Chapter 29

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

I felt soft kisses being planted down my neck and I smiled, rolling over sleepily and reaching out for Gabriel. When I felt his chest against my fingers I sighed happily and moved to snuggle closer to his hard body.

“Hmm, you have no idea how much I missed you, Amelia” Gabriel whispered in my ear, making stray hair tickle my cheek.

I smiled even wider, “I missed you even more” I said as I hugged him even tighter to me.

“I don’t know about that, I mean, you and Isaac seemed pretty cosy” he said in a slightly harder voice than normal.

I lifted my head and looked at him questionably, “What?” I asked, confused as hell.

“I saw everything while I was away, I watched you every minute of everyday. I saw how close you and Isaac have grown, how you hold hands nearly all the bloody time!”

I stared at him dumbfounded, “You’re really gonna start an argument about this? When you have just come back?” I asked in a quiet voice.

Gabriel sighed, “Okay, I’m sorry” he said as he leaned over and kissed the top of my head, “I just… it killed me when I saw how close you two had gotten when I couldn’t even hold you”

“Gabriel, Isaac helped me through it, he helped me stay sane through all of the time you weren’t there. But it was never anything more than friendship, you know that, right?” I asked suspiciously, from the way he was talking he didn’t know that at all.

Gabriel closed his eyes for a couple of seconds, “Yes, I know. I know you wouldn’t betray me like that” he smiled at me, “I was just being stupid. I have something to tell you, babe”

Gabriel suddenly sat up with a very serious expression on his face; grabbing my hand and making me sit up with him. My mind immediately started coming up with the worst possible scenarios; he’s not going to leave me again is he? Is his coming back only for a limited time? Oh, God.

Gabriel must have noticed the panic on my face, because he grabbed both of my hands and kissed the back of them, “Hey, hey, it’s okay. It’s good news”

I let out a breath of relief, “Gabriel, please don’t scare me like that” I sighed.

He chuckled, “I’m sorry, baby. Anyway, now that I’m back, I’m…”

I waited, and it felt like I had waited a hundred years until I finally blurted out, “What Gabriel? You’re what?”

“Human” he whispered.

My jaw dropped, he had lost his wings? He was normal again?

I couldn’t describe the elation I felt, it was like everything was how it was supposed to be again. Tears filled my eyes as I launched myself at him, smothering his face in kisses with both of us laughing in relief and joy.

“We can be together now, Amelia, for real. Without having to look over our shoulders all the time, and eventually, we can have a family and grow old together” he whispered, kissing my cheeks and intertwining our fingers.

I let a few tears escape because of how perfect that sounded, and I kissed him with so much passion and tenderness.


When Gabriel and I eventually tore ourselves away from eachother, we went downstairs hand in hand. But when we entered the kitchen I froze and looked over at the person sitting at my kitchen table in shock.

“Isaac?” I whispered, “What are you doing here?”

Isaac gave me a sad smile, “You really do have a short memory, huh?”

I laughed, “What are you talking about?”

“Well, Gabriel is back now, so…” he trailed off and that’s when it dawned on me. He has to leave now.

My eyes filled with tears and it seemed all I was doing lately was crying, “Oh, Isaac” I sighed, “Do you have to go?”

He looked at me sadly and opened his arms for me, I walked over and gave him the tightest hug ever as a few tears escaped me and I hiccupped, “Hey! They’ll be no crying now. You have you’re prince charming back, aren’t you supposed to be happy?” he said, as he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back so he could look at me, “Besides, I’m going to see my family now” he whispered, a bright smile illuminating his face.

A smile that matched his own made its way onto my face as I wiped my tears, “That’s right”

Isaac looked past me to Gabriel, and when I turned I saw him leaning against the door frame with an uncomfortable look on his face and considering the conversation we had upstairs, I was guessing he didn’t like seeing his girlfriend hug someone else.

Isaac walked over to Gabriel and held his hand out, “I have looked after her for so many years, but it’s your turn now” he said.

Gabriel let a small smile crawl onto his face as he grabbed Isaac’s hand and shook it, “Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of her”

“You had better, don’t think I won’t come back down here and kick your ass” Isaac laughed, and I let out a little chuckle at the two.

“Yeah, like you could old man” Gabriel teased, and it was good to see him acting so friendly towards Isaac.

Isaac just rolled his eyes and turned back towards me, “It’s time, Amelia”

I immediately ran over to him, a sob making its way out of my mouth as I threw my arms around him, “Say hello to your family for me” I whispered.

“I will” he whispered back as he tightened his arms around me, “Goodbye, Amelia. It’s been a pleasure”

My face screwed up as I tried not to sob even louder, “The pleasures all mine. Goodbye Isaac” I whispered brokenly.

Then he was gone.

And it reminded me of the time Gabriel had left me at the prom, but this time I didn’t collapse in pain and grief, I just stood there looking at the place her had been with tears running down my cheeks, a small smile on my face.

He’s with his family now, and that’s all I could ask for.

I looked at Gabriel and he gave me a sad smile and pulled me close to him, kissing the top of my head in a gesture that said ‘I’m here for you’ and I knew he would be.

When dad came home later on that day, I explained to him that Gabriel had returned earlier that day and came straight here. At first, dad seemed to be a little angry with him for leaving me for so many weeks without a word, but Gabriel worked his charm and now it was like he never left.

After dinner, Gabriel and I retreated back to my room, and there he brought up the subject of colleges.

“So, I saw that you applied for some local colleges whilst I was away” Gabriel said.

I sighed, “Yeah, I um… I didn’t want to apply for the ones further away without you”

Gabriel smiled at me and said, “Well I’m back, so how about we start applying now?”

I started squealing and jumping up and down on the spot, excited to finally start my life with the man I love.


I know it's short, but i thought i would give you a little something :)

Nearly 12,000 reads! Wow!

There isn't long left in this story, maybe one more chapter, then the epilogue :(

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