Chapter 24

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1 Day Until Prom

After my conversation with Isaac, I realised that hardly anything is free choice. If we were destined to do something, the Gods will make sure that happens, no matter what. So if what Isaac said was true, that me and Gabriel were supposed to meet again, then why would they take him away from me? I just didn’t understand, and I knew I had to talk to Isaac again, he was my guardian angel, so he must be somewhere near, right?

So with that going through my head, I tried to think of ways to tell him I needed him. My first thought was the Ouija board, but that was just stupid, I mean he’s not a ghost. My second thought was to go to sleep, that’s how he first contacted me, so why not? And I tried and tried to go to sleep, but considering it was two in the afternoon, there was no way I was going to be able to do that. Then it hit me.

“Isaac! I need you!” I shouted at the ceiling.

“You called” I jumped and spun around to find Isaac behind me with a smirk on his face. “You are my own form of entertainment; I have been watching you try to contact me for about half an hour. It was hilarious” he drawled.

“Oh ha-ha” I said in a sarcastic voice. “Isaac, I have some questions”

He rolled his eyes at me “What is it with you humans? Always asking questions and expecting the answers on a silver platter?”

I looked at him questionably “Are you sure you’re my guardian angel? Because you are being incredibly rude to me”

He gave me a look as if to say ‘are you stupid?’ “Only because I’m your guardian angel, doesn’t mean I have to be nice. Just got to keep you alive”

Okay, I suppose that makes sense. Even thought I called Isaac here, I had no idea what my questions were, I just knew that I needed a few things explaining.

“Did you actually call me for something? Or were you planning on staring at my Godly face for a little longer?” Isaac asked with a smirk on his face.

“Oh, shut up Isaac. I just want to know that if the Gods wanted me and Gabriel to meet up again, why would they tear us apart like this?” I asked, even speaking it out loud made my throat close up.

“It was all Gabriels stupid fault” Isaac gritted out “If he didn’t go and kill himself, then we wouldn’t be in this mess would we? You and Gabriel could have gone off into the sunset!”

“Whoa! Who said anything about, we?” I asked, standing up and walking towards Isaac.

He seemed to have realised his mistake, because his eyes became saucers and he seemed to stutter a bit.

“Isaac, what does me and Gabriel have to do with you?” I grilled him again.

Isaac let out a breath and looked me straight in the eye “If you complete your destiny or fate, or whatever you want to call it, I can be with my family again, I can be free” he said in a soft voice.

“I don’t understand” I said, in a little, confused voice.

“You don’t want to know my story Amelia, it will give you nightmares” he said, in a hard voice. He had his walls back up, and I hated it.

“Isaac, you know everything about me, you’ve been with me all my life. I want to know something about you now” I said, hoping to tell me something, anything.

“That is a story for another day Amelia, but you will hear it sometime, I promise. But to answer the question running through that head of yours, I don’t know whether Gabriel will come back to you, that isn’t up to me” he said, whilst taking hold of my hands and holding them in between us “But I’ll do what I can”

“Thank you” I whispered, too overcome with sadness to say anything more.

“But now, I have to go. Just so you know, when Gabriel leaves, I’ll be here for anything you need”

Then he was gone, and my hands were still in the same position, floating infront me.

I smiled; I think we just had a moment.


Later that night, I made sure I had everything ready for prom, my dress was hanging up on my bedroom door, I had my hair and make up appointment on a slip off paper that had been taped on my mirror so I wouldn’t forget. The only thing missing was Gabriel. I hadn’t spoken or seen him today, and I was getting worried he had left without saying goodbye. I quickly ran over to the phone and dialled his number.

“Hello?” Gabriel asked, just hearing his voice made me happy.

“Hey” I whispered.

“Amelia” he said, and I could hear the smile in his voice “What’s up with the late night phone call?”

“I just wanted to call you, we haven’t seen eachother all day” I said.

“I know, and I’m sorry, I was sorting some things out for prom tomorrow”

“Oh yeah? Like what? You haven’t got a make up appointment the same as me have you? Because I don’t know how I feel about that” I said with a little giggle, there’s nothing like laughing at your own jokes.

Gabriel laughed “Well, now that you mention it”

It felt so good to talk to him, just to hear his breathing through the phone.

“I love you” I breathed.

“Amelia, are you sure you’re okay?” Gabriel asked, you could hear the frown in his voice.

“I’m okay, just worried about you” I whispered. I had this bad feeling in my stomach that he was leaving soon, I just didn’t want to acknowledge it.

“Amelia, you know that I’m alright, you need to stop worrying. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon,” he said “Do you want me to come over?”

“No!” I said, “It’s prom tomorrow, you’re just going to have to wait” I said with a smile on my face.

Gabriel laughed, “Its not our wedding you know Amelia, we can see eachother the night before” he said, still chuckling.

God, I loved his laugh. I just loved him! I wanted to be with him all the time, to touch him, kiss him. I was dreading the day he would leave and not knowing when or if he would return. That was the worst thing about it, the not knowing.

“I know,” I breathed “I just want it to be special”

“And it will be,” he said, and I could hear his smile through the phone “Because we’re together”

I laughed “You’re so cheesy”

“Well thank you Amelia, I will keep my cheesy comments to myself from now on”

“Hey!,” I exclaimed “I wasn’t complaining” I said whilst laughing.

“Yeah, I know” he said “Listen I have to go, but I’ll see you tomorrow for our special day”

I laughed “Okay Gabriel, I love you”

“I love you too, Amelia”

I heard a click, and he hung up the phone.

I loved hearing him say my name. To think that just a couple of years ago we were best friends, not expecting anything that would come in our future, not expecting Gabriel to be a Black Wing, and not expecting me to move far away.

But it isn’t the past that matters. What matters is our future, and I hope and pray that we would spend it together.

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