Authors Note

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Well, I suppose this is it. The End.

When i first started this I was determined to be finished in a couple of months, only now do I realise what a ridiculous goal that was. Everything seemed to get in the way, whether it was family, college or just life in general.

I tried to keep the updates as regular as possible and I'm sorry if i kept some of you waiting too long! But it's done now and i can relax and possibly start thinking about a new story, something fresh and nothing like this one.

Okay, I admit it. This story wasn't exactly the best thing out there, but I gave it a go and I think I haven't done half bad! Well, considering this story is at nearly 14,000 reads, neither do you apparently.

I just want to thank everyone that read, voted and commented because if it wasn't for you I probably would have scrapped this a long time ago. I just hope that you know how important every vote and comment is to an author because it gives us hope that people actually do enjoy our stories and want to read more. So thank you.

And finally I wanted you to know that I have gone back and completley changed the layout of Chapter 1, nothing drastic. I haven't changed any of the major details nor any of the dialogue. It was just the layout of the whole thing that i hated, so I changed it. Hope you think the flow of it feels better too!

Oh, one more thing for anyone that is wandering, there will NOT be a sequel. I think i wrapped things up pretty well, and i think this story has come as fr as it needed to go.

So, thanks to everyone and i hope you have enjoyed it :)


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