Chapter 23

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2 Days Til Prom.

I didn't think we'd get here, Gabriel and I, but we've actually made it to prom, and it feels so good. Knowing that Gabriel is going to be there on one of the bigest days of my life so far.

Currently, me and Gabriel are lying in my back yard, with me inbetween his legs, facing the sky with my head on his chest.

"This feels nice" Gabriel breathed, whilst smelling the tropical fragance of my hair.

"What does?" I asked.

"Just lying here, staring at the sky, feeling normal" He said, his armsa tightening around my waist.

I smiled "Yeah, it does feel nice" I love it when he gets all mushy.

I can't remember the last time me and Gabriel did something normal. My smile soon  disappeared when i remembered what will be occuring in the not so distant future.

"Gabriel, when do you think it will be happening?" I asked.

"When what will be happening, love?"

"When - you know - the people up there want you?" I asked, whilst pointing to the sky.

Gabriel chuckled at me, and I turned to face him, a serious expression on my face "Okay, I'm sorry for laughing, you're just so cute" he said "I really don't know when, love, I don't decide that sort of stuff, you know that"

"I know, I just wish we knew how long we had left" I said, with a sad smile on my face.

Gabriel POV

I could see the sad smile on her face, and it was breaking my heart. I went all those years without her, i don't think I could last another week, never mind forever.

I honestly didn't know how long the Gods were planning on keeping me up there, but I was hoping it wouldn't be long before they send me back here, to be with Amelia. I want to be with her forever, I want to see her smile, hear her laugh, smell her hair, kiss her lips. I don't think I could live without any of that.

"I do too, love" I said. That wasn't technically a lie.

I knew when I would be leaving, not the exact day, but I knew when abouts. I just didn't want to tell her, I knew she would be upset. But I had everything planned, I was going to prepare her for this, I wouldn't let her wake up one day to me not being there with her anymore.

But believe this, I will do everything in my power to make sure I will be sent back here.

1 Day Til Prom

Amelia POV

I needed to let Gabriel know everything Isaac had told me the other day. It wasn't fair to him if he didn't know everything about how it happened. How he became what he is.

And I'm going to tell him now.

"So.." I started, swinging our intertwined hands as we strolled through the shopping centre.

"So?" Gabriel said, looking at me to finish the sentance i started.

"So when I saw Isaac the other day-"

"No" Gabriel said "I don't want to hear it Amelia, whatever he said to you, that was for you, not for me"

"Gabriel, I really think you should hear this" I said, pulling on his hand and stopping him in his tracks.

"What is it Amelia?" He said, letting out a big breath.

"Isaac told me, that because he's my Guardian Angel, he knows about my future, and what is supposed to happen" I said.

Gabriel nodded "Yeah, that's normally how it goes"

"Well, he said that me and you were supposed to meet up in my future, and that you were a big part of it" I said, with a little smile on my face "But then, he said that you commited suicide, and that he had to pull some strings to make sure you came back. Do you see where this is going?"

"So, basically, you're telling me that Isaac is the person that made me like this?" He said, I could see the veins in his neck pulsating.

"Well, it depends how you look at it really" I said sheepishly.

"What?" Gabriel said in a hushed, controlled tone.

"You could see it as he made you like this, or you could see it as he brought you back to me. Whether you commited suicide or not, we still would have been in eachothers life"

It was then that I realised something. Something I hadn't thought of before, and I had to cover my mouth to stop the sob that wanted to rip through my throat.

"Amelia?" Gabriel asked, ptting his hands either side of my head "Are you alright?"

I shook my head "Gabriel.." I whispered.

"Amelia, what is it? What's wrong?" He asked in a panicked tone.

"I just realised.." I hiccuped "I just realised, that whether you commited suicide or not, my mother still had to die for me to come back here, for us to meet again" I said, as tears welled up in my eyes.

"Oh, love, it's okay. These things happen" He said, as he pulled me into one of his hugs that I love.

"I love you so much, you know that don't you?" I whispered into his chest.

"Yes" He whispered back "But I love you more"

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