Chapter 17 - Sweet Jesus

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(Char's POV)

I come out of the bathroom on my lunch break and wash my hands quickly. "Hello sweetheart," I hear Mia's voice say from behind me. I turn around to see her stood right behind me, biting her lip. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "I was just popping in quickly to sign some paper work off for Reecey to take the nursery from Rodger," she says. She pulls her bra straps down to her shoulders and stars undoing the back. "And I thought before I leave I should see you first sweetheart." "And I'm really glad you did," I say seeing my cheeks flush in the mirror.

Mia comes towards me slowly and puts her hands round my waist. "So you tell me then sweetheart," she whispers slowly in my ear. "How is this going to work then?" She kisses my earlobe, biting it gently as she moves away. I look at her, lust in my eyes, and bite my lip waiting to her to pull me in and kiss me. She stays still, just moving her eyes up and down me and raising one eyebrow. I can't take the tension anymore so I pull her in hastily and kiss her with everything I have.

She drags me over to the sinks as we continue kissing  and sits me down in a space between two sinks. Her lips release from mine and move to my neck. She kisses my neck slowly while gently biting it, making me start to moan. "Shush now sweetheart," she says making her way down my waist. "We don't want anyone to hear us do we now." I don't care about any of that at the moment, all I want her to do is touch me. "I don't care," I manage to say out loud. "What was that sweetheart," she whispers, rubbing my inner thigh. "I said I don't care who hears us," I repeat. I sit in silence in shock over what I just said.

"Well in that case," Mia says spreading my legs apart and taking off my underwear from underneath my skirt. She breaths right in between my legs before kissing the surface of where I wanted her mouth to go. She slides her tongue through my folds and I grip onto the edge of the bathroom counter as I can feel her circling my clit with her tongue. My breathing gets heavier as she starts to go rougher. "Amelia Roberts!" I yell out. "Harder!" Obeying my wishes, she applies even more pressure with her tongue making me moan loudly.

I hold down on the back of her head to push her deeper inside. She moves her tongue out as I start to sweat and pant as I cum. "Amelia Roberts I have to work now!" I say catching my breath. "Not so fast sweetheart," Mia says standing herself up. "Unless you've had enough and you want me to leave?" I shake my head aggressively. "N... no Mia don't leave I want you." "Well in that case," she says. "I'm going to go out and tell Reece you've been sick in here and you need to go home," she whispers in my ear.

"And when I come back," she wanders her hand down my waist and pushes her finger tips through my folds. "You'll wish for the devil I didn't." "Sweet Jesus," I whisper throwing my head back. "Someone's horny," Mia whispers smiling. "Stay here sweetheart I'm going to talk to Reece."

I sit there panting and gasping as she leaves. I'm already desperate for her touch and she's only been gone for a few seconds. I bite my nails anxiously, continuously checking the door to make sure no one else would see her like this.

"All clear sweetheart," I hear Mia's voice say as she knocks on the door before coming back in. "You've not moved an inch." She comes close to me and puts her mouth against my ear. "Good girl," she whispers using all her breath. "Sweet Jesus," I whisper again catching on my breath. "Hearing you whisper that turns me on like nothing else," Mia says as her hand strokes my inner thigh. Two of her fingers wander up and make their way through my folds. "But I'd rather hear you scream it," she says pushing her fingers deeper to find my clit. "Do you think you could do that for me?" She adds another finger and circling the area roughly but soft enough to make me moan.

"Sweet Jesus," I moan softly. "You're quiet am I losing my touch sweetheart?" Mia teases as she goes slightly faster. "Sweet Jesus!" I scream so loudly I surprise myself. "That's it sweetheart," she smiles as she continues touching me. I moan and yell out loudly as I feel myself start to cum again. She takes her fingers away to let me ride it out. "Come back," I groan as she does, grabbing her hand and moving it back over where it was. "Are you sure beautiful?" She asks seeing the sweaty, breathless state she's already left me in. "Mia please," I pant heavily as I look into her eyes desperately.

"You little beg," she teases as she kisses and bites my neck as her fingers go back through my folds. "Harder!" I scream almost immediately. She obeys my request and goes harder and it doesn't take long before I cum again. She slides her fingers out gently as I sit there panting and shaking. Mia licks the cum off her fingers before gently kissing my lips.

She strokes my waist with her thumb before giving me another kiss. She lets go and takes some tissue from the toilet to mop me up. She helps me put my underwear back on and pulls me into a tight hug. "You ok my sweetheart?" she whispers in my ear. "Y... yes," I reply still breathless. "Let's get you home my angel," she says gently lifting me off the counter. "Or Reecey will never believe me when I said you were poorly."

"Mia I can't," I say quickly. "Can't what sweetheart?" She asks looking confused. "I can't go home not now," I whine. "Not while you're looking at me like that." "What do you mean sweetheart?" She asks. "I mean," I say grabbing her waist. "I mean I want you now." I pull her in and kiss her hastily as I lead her over to the wall.

I bite her neck, making her moan as I unbutton her shorts and pull off her tights. "Sweetheart," she whispers softly as I cup her over her underwear. "You're soaked," I say as I take my hand under her underwear before sliding two fingers through her folds. She groans even louder as I circle her clit and her fingers grip onto the wall.

She yells out loudly as she comes and my fingers slide out of her. I wipe the cum off her fingers and onto her collarbone before picking her underwear and tights back off the floor and helping her get changed.

"Thanks for coming," I say kissing her softly. "Any time sweetheart," Mia smiles. "I love you," I whisper as I pull her in for a hug. She lifts me up so my legs are wrapped around her waist, kissing my ear as she spins me around slowly. "I love you sweetheart," she says as she puts me down and takes my hand to leave the bathroom.

"We'd better get you home sweetheart," Mia says as we leave the bathroom, putting her hand on my forehead incase someone walks by. "I know I'm not actually sick but please can you come home with me?" I ask as we walk out to the car park. I look at her with the pleading puppy eyes I know she can't resist. She smiles and squeezes my cheek gently. "Of course I can sweetheart."
She takes my hand and walks me to her car. Replaced the seats I see," I say climbing in. "Yes," she says. "So no more antics from you sweetheart, for now." "I promise to behave,"
I smile cheekily. She gives me a sarcastic stern look before driving off.

When we arrive at my house, I dump all my stuff in the hallway and take Mia to the living room. "That shift was a bit of a drag I'm quite happy you got me out of it," I say lying down on the sofa. "Really usually you like work what happened sweetheart?" She says lying next to me. "Just the parents," I sigh. "Some of them are so judgmental it's ridiculous." "I thought you'd grown a backbone," she says playing with my hair. "I have," I say. "Well a little bit of one I still need you though." "And you'll always have me," she whispers as the cuddles into me.

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