Chapter 23 - Healing

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Char's POV

I walk out of the pre-school room after my shift and run straight to the toilets. Jodie was pulled out of the kitchens for a week after nearly setting the nursery on fire so she was back in the rooms and it had been a particularly tough shift. I sit on the floor outside the cubicle door, trying to breathe and calm myself down. I didn't want to go to Marjorie after what happened last time I bought up Jodie not being a good fit for the nursery.

I can feel my breathing start to get heavier and tears start to fall down my face. Several parents had shouted at me at handover this evening after the observations Jodie was meant to do weren't written up and that was the last straw. I try and hold myself together desperately but I eventually can't take it anymore and start sobbing into my hands, my body shaking and my heart going at a million miles an hour.

I stay on the bathroom floor trying to compose myself, trying to stop the tears so I can get up and do what I normally do, walk out with a smile on my face and act like nothing was wrong. I eventually hear the door open, assuming it was Marjorie, I flinch slightly. "Sorry Marjorie," I sniff. "I'll.... I'll be out in a minute I promise."

"What's wrong sweetheart?" I hear the voice say. I recognised Mia's voice immediately. "N.. nothing," I stammer. "Sweetheart it doesn't look like nothing you're shaking come here," she says, hugging me gently. "Right what's five things you can see?" "The... the floor?" I stammer. "Y... you? My shoes, the door and umm... y... your necklace?" Mia fiddles her silver heart necklace, which matches with mine. "Good sweetheart. Now what's four things you can hear?"

"Your... your voice," I sniff. "M... my voice? The rain outside and ummm... some cars outside?" "You're doing so well sweetheart," Mia says softly as she strokes my arm. "What's three things you can feel?" "The hard floor?" I sniff, my breathing starting to slow down slightly. "Your hand on my arm and... I feel a bit cold?" "That's it sweetheart you've got this," Mia says softly. She takes off her jumper and hands it to me. "Have this sweetheart if you're cold." "Thank you," I say pulling it over my head, I can smell Mia on it which makes me feel even calmer.

"You're doing so well sweetheart," Mia says stroking my hand gently. "Two things you can smell?" "Your perfume on this jumper," I say. "And... the bathroom spray?"

"Good sweetheart," she says wrapping her arms around me in a deep hug. My heartbeat starts to slow down as I smell her perfume and feel her soft breath down my neck. I feel myself start to well up again and cry slowly into her shoulder. "It's alright sweetheart," she whispers softly. "You let it all out now, that's it. There's nothing to be afraid of ok, I love you." "I love you," I sniff as my tears start to dry up.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I ask. "I thought I'd drop you home today and then I came inside because you didn't come out when your shift was over and I was worried about you," she explains. "And when I heard you crying I knew I had to come and see you." "T.. thanks," I stammer as I lift my head off her shoulder and look into her eyes.

"Breathe," she whispers as she holds onto both my hands gently. I take a deep breath, looking into her beautiful ocean eyes, as I feel myself calming down. "So sweetheart, what happened?" She asks. "Well," I say. "Marjorie had Jodie in the rooms this week because she nearly set fire to kitchen last week but that meant Sorscha, Carly and I had to pick up all her slack because you know what Jodie's like." Mia rolls her eyes. "Yes, I do."

"And well we were already quite stressed and then at handover this evening.." I say starting to tear up again. "Several of the parents were shouting at me because Jodie hadn't written to observations on the tablet so they were getting no updates and they took it out on me. I thought about going to Marjorie but I knew what happened last time so I left after my shift and I just couldn't take it anym.." My words disintegrate into tears and Mia pulls me back in for another hug.

"It's ok," she whispers. "Char you do get yourself into a pickle over what other people think you. You always want to make everyone around you happy, it's one of the things I adore most about you, but that's not always possible and that's not your fault ok?" "Ok," I sniff. "Why do you always have to be right Mia?" "Char I just know you," she says stroking my cheek.

"Are you sure you don't want me to talk to Marjorie for you?" She asks. "No thanks," I say wiping my eyes. "Ok," she whispers. "You want me to stay on my best behaviour then?" "Yes please," I smile slightly. She strokes the dimple on my cheek with her thumb. "Your cute little smile has come back I see. We should probably get going now before they lock us in here."

"One more cuddle please," I beg, looking at her with my puppy eyes. "In the car," she says raising her eyebrows. "A good attempt sweetheart but I'm falling for those puppy eyes this time." "Damn," I sigh getting up off the floor.

We walk out to the car park and get into the back of Mia's mustang. She taps her lap and I lay my head on her as she plays with my hair and close my eyes. "Sweetheart you can't fall asleep now we need to get home," she says. "I know I'm just resting my eyes," I groan. She leans down and kisses the top of my lips gently. "Feeling better now sweetheart?" "Yes thank you," I mumble. "How can I ever be as brave as you?"

"Sweetheart," Mia says kissing my forehead. "You are the bravest girl I know, look at what you've had to go through over the years. You've left a tedious relationship and gone into another one, leaving your heart back on the line that takes guts sweetheart." "Mia I only did that because I knew my heart would be in safe hands this time. You proved to me I could love again and I'll never forget that," I say sitting up so I could kiss her properly. She pulls me back in as we release to kiss me deeper. I feel butterflies in my stomach and my heart beating just like our first kiss.

"Mia I think I might have a crush on you," I giggle. "You think?" She laughs. "Funnily enough I might have a crush on you too."

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