Chapter 68 - Blessed

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(Mia's POV)

"Amelia!" I hear Char shout from the bathroom. I come leaping out of bed and stand outside the bathroom door. "Sweetheart what's wrong?" I call out. "Call the hospital my waters have broken," she shouts. I can feel my heart start to race, she was 2 days past her due date so I knew this could happen any day now but it didn't make me any less panicked. "Ok sweetheart I'll give them a call now do you need a hand?" I shout getting my phone out my pocket. "No," she grumbles in pain. "No it's fine just... just call the hospital." I dial the number hurriedly, my plan sweating like mad. "Hello," my voice squeaks as they pick up the call. "T.. this is Amelia Roberts speaking to let you know m... my wife's waters have broken... Charlotte Roberts yes... yes I believe so....ok thank you we'll be on our way... thank you bye."

"Charlotte," I say knocking on the bathroom door. "They're getting your room ready now." "Ok," she groans before opening the door. I hook my arm under hers and slowly walk her out of the bathroom. "Ow Mia it really hurts!" She yelps in pain, placing her hand on her bump. "I know baby," I say calmly. "You'll be ok let's get you to the bedroom and I'll gather our stuff." "Ok," she grumbles as we walk to the bedroom.

I lower her beside the bed where she hunches over, breathing deeply through the contractions. "You're doing so well baby," I say grabbing the hospital bag before kneeling beside her to rub her back gently. "Are you ready to go?" I whisper. "Mmm," she mumbles faintly through another contraction. "Can you help me.. ow!... up?" I nod before lifting her arm onto my shoulder and standing her up slowly, grabbing the hospital bag with my other hand and walking us both to the car. "Are you ok sweetheart?" I ask buckling her seatbelt. "I think so," Char grumbles. "It just really hurts." "I know you're doing so well," I say kissing her hand gently. I put the hospital bag in the back seat before buckling my own seatbelt and driving the car to the hospital.

I whizz there as fast as I can, running through a couple of red lights on the journey but it didn't matter. As soon as I park the car, I text the midwife to let her know we've arrived and carry the hospital bag over one shoulder and hook Char's arm over my other to help her out of the car. "You can do this," I whisper giving her a quick kiss before taking her hand to walk across the car park. The midwife greets us at the door as we arrive at the maternity clinic. "Charlotte Roberts?" She says. "Yes," Char nods. "Come this way," the midwife says leading us through the corridor. Char squeezes my hand tightly as another contraction passes. "You're doing amazing," I mouth to her as we continue to walk slowly down the corridor.

"Just in here," the midwife says opening the door to the room. "Make yourself comfy on the bed there darling." I help Char onto the bed slowly, still holding her hand as she adjusts herself onto it. "Perfect," the midwife smiles. "So I understand your waters broke round about an hour ago is that correct?" She puts on a pair of gloves and starts feeling around Char's belly. "Mmmhmm," Char nods clearly slightly in pain. "I'm going to find you a gown, give me a shout if there's any problems," the midwife says. I give her a quick nod before she leaves. I sit beside the bed and reach out for Char's hand, which she takes firmly.

"Are you feeling ok baby?" I ask stroking the back of her hand with my thumb. "I guess so," she mumbles. "I just want these twins to come out already these contractions are killing me." I lean over and leave a tender kiss on the centre of her forehead. "Come on bubbas come meet us already," I whisper rubbing her belly with my other hand. She giggles slightly, another contraction coming shortly after. She holds my hand even tighter as she breaths through the pain. "You are so strong sweetheart," I say kissing her forehead again. Seconds later, the midwife comes back in with Char's hospital gown. "Is everything alright with you?" She asks laying the gown onto the bed.

"Yes," Char says weakly. "The contractions are becoming more consistent now." "Ok thank you for letting me know, I'll give you a moment to get changed while we set up." "Thank you," I say to her as she helps Char to her feet and shows her to the changing curtain. "Mia can you come help?" She calls out a few minutes later. I open the curtains slightly and step in. "Just this zip if that's ok," she says. "Of course sweetheart," I say before doing up the zip at the back. "How can you still look cute even in hospital clothes hey?" She smiles faintly in the mirror as I softly hug her from behind, placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

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