Chapter 52 - You're freezing

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(Char's POV)

I leave the nursery on a very cold evening, slightly regretting not bringing a proper jacket with me. I wrap myself in my cardigan and walk across the car park to start my walk home. As I start walking I can hear Mia's voice in my ear from this morning saying "sweetheart bring a jacket you'll get cold later" but me being stubborn decided I didn't need one and I was kicking myself for it now.

The frosty air shivers down my spine as the wind starts to pick up and I feel my teeth chattering. I speed up my pace to a light jog in an attempt to warm up a little before I got home. Mia was back in the area for board meetings however so at least I could see her face once I got home. Once I'm finally back, I ring the doorbell and Mia is quick to answer. "Sweetheart you're freezing," she says closing the door quickly behind me and rubbing both my arms. "What did I say this morning about bringing a jacket?" "I... I k.. know," I say chattering my teeth. "S... sorry." "Right let's get you warm then baby," she says taking my hand.

She pulls a face when she touches my hand, surprised with how cold it was before dragging me to the kitchen and sitting me down. "Your lips are literally blue," she says boiling the kettle. "Hopefully this tea will warm you up a bit." She brings the tea over and places it into my hands gently, instantly warming them up. "Come with me let's get you all cozy," she says reaching for my hand and pulling me up off the chair.

She walks me to the living room where I sit down, slowly sipping on the tea as she finds a blanket and wraps it around my shoulders. "Thanks," I say putting the tea down. "And I should have listened when you said bring a jacket." "Damn right you should have," Mia laughs. "Honestly you are so stubborn sometimes." I shrug smiling slightly as she leans in to kiss my cheek before patting her lap inviting me to lie down on it. "You're very comfy," I smile as my head meets her lap. "You're cute," Mia says kissing my ear gently. "Baby you've still got goosebumps bless you, have my hoodie." She pulls her hoodie off over her head and hands it to me.

I sit up briefly to pull it over me, smelling the sleeves and smiling with how it smells so much like her. "How was work then baby?" Mia says as I settle myself back down on her lap. "Mmm it was fine," I mumble. "Honestly these parents are really testing my patience sometimes but apart from that it's all good thanks." I look up waiting for Mia's respond but she's mumbling to herself softly, her eyes trapped in a gaze. "Amelia," I say snapping her back into focus. "Sorry," she blinks. "Just admiring how cute and cozy you look." She strokes her face softly with her finger, gently pushing back sections of my hair behind my eyes as she does. "Aww now you're blushing." "Am not," I protest. "Are too," she teases. "Look you've gone even more red now bless your cotton socks."

I hide my face in the blanket with embarrassment. "Don't be embarrassed," she giggles. "You're cute when your cheeks are all flushed." I tilt my head up towards her before she traces her finger across my bottom lip slowly. "Your lips are less blue now that's good." I mumble incoherently as she strokes my jawline with her thumb, moving hair out my face with her other hand as she does. I close my eyes softly, a smile plastered on my face as her finger tips trace it slowly like a map. She boops my nose cutely as she releases her fingers, making me giggle slightly as I open my eyes.

We both look at each other in silence, smiling softly as we gaze into each other's eyes. The world seems to go still as I look into her beautiful blue orbs, gradually lowering my gaze to her lips and admiring how her face dimples as she smiles but only on one side. "What?" Mia whispers, finally breaking the silence. "Mia please kiss me," I whisper horsely. She smiles before holding the side of my face and leaning down to plant a soft kiss on my lips. I look back at her lips and smile before she does it again, kissing me a fraction longer this time. I lazily reach out my hand to her hair and run my fingers through it, leaning myself up towards her so I can kiss her deeper. She kisses me several times, each kiss being longer than the last. We both smile into the kisses, giggling a little between each one.

"I love you cutie pie," she mumbles into my lips. "I love you too," I mumble before laying my head back down onto her lap. I try and move the blanket off my shoulder but Mia resists, laying it back down on my shoulder immediately. "You need to stay warm ok?" She says before kissing the top of my head gently. "I don't want you catching a cold sweetheart." "Ok then," I sigh. "You over-protective bitch." "I'm not that over-protective," Mia laughs. "Lies," I mutter under my breath. She shoots me a deadly look before bursting out laughing and ticking me under my chin lightly. "Watch it you," she says as she continues to tickle me. I squirm in her lap, giggling and kicking me feet as she tickles me under my chin and down my stomach.

I then grab a nearby pillow and start waking her on her head with it. "Game on sweetheart," Mia laughs grabbing a pillow for herself and sacking me back. We both erupt into fits of laughter as we continue hitting each other with the pillows, my stomach quickly becoming tight with how much I'm laughing. I feel my cheeks get tight from holding my cheesy smile. "Right," I gasp as I get out of breath. "We'll have to call it a draw I can't keep doing this." "Me neither," Mia gasps. She lays her hand on my forehead gently. "

"Amelia what on earth are you doing?" I ask in confusion. "Just making sure you've not come down with something," she says before releasing her hand. "Amelia you're acting like I've been through a snow blizzard and not a slightly cold winter's evening without my jacket," I laugh. "Slightly cold?" She questions. "Baby it's literally two degrees out there at most." I just stay still and smile at her, my eyes softly gazing into hers. "What are you looking at?" Mia asks. "I just love you that's all," I say smiling. "And it somehow surprises me every time how much I love you." I yawn slightly at the end of my sentence making Mia smile. "I think someone needs her sleep gorgeous," she says patting her lap. "Come back here."

I lay myself back onto her lap, shuffling myself into her until I'm comfortable. I smile softly at the sensation of her kissing my ear and playing with my hair. I smell the sleeves of her hoodie I'm wearing, the familiar scent of her making me even more sleepy and relaxed. "Sweetest dreams sweetheart," she whispers in my ear as I shut my eyes and fall asleep in my sweetheart's arms.

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