Fourth of July

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I woke up to what was a normal day. Then I remembered what day it was, and who I was sleeping next to. It's Alfred birthday! I didn't forget thank Batman. Oh shoot I've got to get ready! England texted my phone and I crept out of bed, to help the countries set up. Alfred was still sleeping when I left. Japan gave me a ride to England's, and we started after some of the countries who were helping came. I was tired when we were done and they let me take a break. It went like this...
"Mademoiselle jou seem tired." No shit captain obvious.
"No I can keep at it, don't worry about me." I responded to the Frenchman, while stringing up some streamers.
"Oi Lisia! 'E as a point you know." The Englishman oh so clearly pointed out.
"Fine fine, I'll take a break."
"Merci, we wouldn't want jou to fall asleep while 'olding a 'ammer."
I sat on a couch tucked away from the activity for about fifteen minutes. Then I picked up a brush, and helped Veneziano (N.Italy) paint the banner for Alfred's 239th birthday. I had a blast and we didn't even party yet! With a bit of paint on my face that nobody mentioned, I went to lure Alfred to the scene after the setup was done.
I woke up in the afternoon and my blue haired companion was standing over me. She had some paint on her right cheek, and I wondered what she was doing before I woke up. She told me to get ready for something awesome, so I did.
She blindfolded me and led me who knows where. All I saw was darkness anyway. I heard the sound of a door opening, and felt her hands go to the back of my head, and untie the knot. As the blindfold fell, I saw nothing.
"SURPRISE!" The lights in the now recognizable Iggy's home turned on and I saw every country close to me I could think of, and everybody else too!
I was so happy I nearly squished the living heck out of the blue haired girl right next to me. I let her go be fore shouting,
"THANKS DUDES!" And music started playing. I started dancing and talking to everyone and picked up a Hennessy. Everyone was happy.
I picked up a vodka after being dared by Hungary and Prussia. This would be my first drink EVER. I bottomed the shot quickly. It tasted horrible, but strangely pleasant. I voluntarily drank another, then another. 15 shots later I STILL wasn't drunk. I reached for another and drank it quickly. This stuff idn't half bad. I walked over to the birthday boy and talked to him a bunch. It's almost midnight though. I leaned in and kissed him. Neither of us were drunk and I knew what I was doing. I pulled back and heard several 'aww's and looked up at the taller nations beet red face. I tried not to laugh.
"Happy birthday Alfred."

Listen to my heart (an OC x a Hetalia character)Where stories live. Discover now