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Every day, the sky paints a different painting.

Sometimes, these paintings are pretty. The sun setting against a golden backdrop, raindrops falling onto a flower or the night sky being decorated with millions of bright stars.

But other times, these paintings aren't so pretty. They're more like abstract art, a splash of colour on the canvas or a blob of different hues. There are times when the sky doesn't even have a specific painting, it just feels empty and hollow, like an empty canvas with no colours on it. Just bland emptiness.

The sky is an ever-changing canvas, never painted the same way twice.

It's a mystery and an adventure all in one. Sometimes it makes you smile, sometimes it makes you frown, sometimes it gives you hope and sometimes it steals that hope away. There is no way to predict it.

The canvas of the sky is never the same, it's always different every time you look at it. One moment, it's calm and peaceful and the next moment it's raging with storms. It's beautiful and mysterious at the same time.

Some of us prefer the storm.

Storms are beautiful. Sure, they're dangerous and they cause destruction, but there's a beautiful chaos to it. The way the rain falls like curtains, the dark clouds forming a shadow over the sky, the lightning cracking and flashing in the darkness of night and the thunder making everything shake. It's as if the entire world is in conflict with itself. It's beautiful.

It shows us that the sky has a soul in itself.

Because for a brief moment, it's alive. It's not just an empty canvas or a pretty painting. It's alive, it's beautiful and most importantly, it's real. The storm is the part of the sky which shows a little bit of human nature. There's passion and anger and chaos and destruction. There's a soul in the eye of the storm.

Some of us prefer getting drenched in the rain. Blown away by the wind.

Because in the rain, we feel alive. We feel every drop of water against our skin like a shockwave and we feel the wind blow by and caress us every now and then. We feel the world shake around us, the thunder exploding through our bones and the rain pouring down our faces. It reminds us that the very nature itself is stronger than us, and still we go out into the rain and let ourselves get lost in it.

Or maybe, I'm just weird.

Perhaps. Perhaps I am just a weird girl who likes storms and rain and doesn't fear getting drenched and blowing away with the wind. Someone who sees the beauty in the chaos and the soul in the sky. Someone who isn't afraid to let the storms engulf her whole.

Maybe because the storm outside is better.

Maybe because the storm outside is better than the storm inside. Perhaps I'd rather let the wind blow my troubles away into oblivion, the storm make my fears crumble into pieces so I can finally be free, the rain wash away my memories and the lightning burn away my sorrows. Perhaps I'd rather be a little weird and let the storm outside drown out the storm that's within.

Because sometimes it's better that way. Sometimes it's better to be a weird girl who prefers storms and rain. After all, at the end of every storm, there's a pretty rainbow, right?

I've never seen a rainbow.

Rainbows are more than just colours blending together in the sky, they're symbols of hope. They represent change, transformation, new beginnings and resilience. But more importantly, they're a promise. A promise of brighter days, a promise of better days and a promise of a rainbow after the storm.

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