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I stared at my phone, my heart racing.

Why wouldn't any of them answer their phone?

They always picked up before...

"They must be busy today." I tried to reassure myself, but my mind was beginning to race with worry and fear.

What if they didn't want to talk to me anymore?

What if they had found better friends and wanted nothing to do with me?

I tried to stop myself from spiraling out of control.

I tried calling again, hoping that maybe the last call didn't connect properly. But the call was met with the same silence again. I wanted to believe that everything was fine, I didn't want to think about the possibility of my friends abandoning me...

I tried calling a third and a fourth time, but the results were the same, I got no response.

I got the feeling that I wasn't going to get a response today...

I couldn't help but feel like maybe I had done something wrong,

Or maybe my friends were busy and just didn't have time to talk to me today...

But the thoughts still wouldn't leave my mind.

What if they didn't want to talk to me anymore?

"Aadesh?" Mom knocked at the door. "Yeah, mumma?" There was a grave look on her face.

She sat down on my bed and spoke in a quiet voice, as if to try and lighten the blow.

"Aadesh... we're.."she hesitated"We're leaving tomorrow only." 

I just stared at her.

What the actual-

My friends... they...

They didn't even pick up the phone when I called them.

And now I was hearing that we were leaving...

I couldn't process any of it,

My head was spinning,

I felt like I was going to be sick...

"How... how long?" I managed to ask, my voice sounding hoarse and weak.

"How long till we come back?" I continued, "When are we coming back? When are we going back home...?"

Mum sighed. "There is no coming back." She said, "We're moving there for good." My eyes widened as I tried to process what she was telling me. We were moving? Out of the town? To somewhere new?

I couldn't bear to leave my friends, my home, my life behind to start a completely new one somewhere else...

"Wait... so you mean... we're leaving my friends, my old life, my old school... everything?" I said, making sure that I had heard her correctly. "We're moving away from our home, for good? We're starting a new life in a new city, with new people?"

My world was crumbling underneath me in a matter of seconds,

And I didn't know how to deal with it.

"Aadesh," My mother tried to console me, "You'll make new friends, you'll have a new school, it'll be exciting. We'll be in the big city now, the possibilities are endless. You'll see." she said, sounding like she was trying to comfort herself just as much as me. But I couldn't believe what she was telling me.

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