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I felt a wave of anger course through my body; that was the last thing I ever wanted to be labeled. I might not see myself in the most flattering lights, but I wasn't ugly, at least I didn't think that I was.

That girl was driving me bonkers.

Sanskriti had the audacity to call me boring, just because I didn't gossip and talk about pointless topics. I was more interested in things that actually held an importance to my life rather than wasting my brain on nonsensical gossip.

Now, she called me ugly. All because I said whatever was on my mind, without a second thought. If she was trying to get a rise out of me, she was on a good path towards doing so.

It really got to me, despite the fact that I shouldn't care. What was her problem with me anyway? Why was she attacking my character when I hadn't done anything wrong? It really wasn't nice of her, and the fact that she was spreading those rumors about me and Aadrika was just plain ridiculous.

The rumors, god.

The rumors just made me even more infuriated. If she was going to talk about me, at least it should have been something true, but she was only making things up which made me even more disgusted with her.

And the fact that people even believed her? That's the worst part, that some people actually thought I was doing...certain things with Aadrika. Absolutely appalling.

Drug addict? Womaniser ? What next, a Mafia guy?

Like, are they braindead or something?

Why did people even like Sanskriti that much? That's the million dollar question. 

She is an awful person, and yet, people continue to put her on a pedestal. I guess it's because she is extremely attractive and charming.

They say that looks can trick people into believing the most unbelievable of things, and Sanskriti's beauty is something that would definitely fall under that category.

I mean, those dark chocolate brown eyes? The thick and wavy hair, with curls at just the right places? Those fucking beauty marks? That goddamned voice?

And the devil-may-care and unregretfully-myself attitude?

Honestly, Sanskriti's entire existence was just downright devilishly enticing. Everything about her was incredibly mesmerizing. It's like her mere presence could take your breath away with just how beautiful she was.

Woah woah woah Aadesh, what are you doing? Get a grip on yourself man!

"I hate her! I hate her!" I muttered under my breath, trying to focus myself, "I can't stand her and her fake ass personality!"

"Um are you okay bro?" A familiar voice said beside me.

I snapped back to reality and looked up, and found that Shreeansh, the boys' monitor, was standing next to me.

"I'm fine." I reply sharply, trying my best to hide my rage.

"You sure? You looked really pissed off.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just...ugh." I grumbled angrily but kept it under control. "It's just, Sanskriti's a real jerk, you know?"

"Huh? What is up with you and Sanskriti anyway? Why do you hate her so much?" Shreeansh asked, raising his eyebrows.

"You don't know? Everyone knows. It's pretty obvious she's spreading some awful rumors about me and Aadrika." I said with a glare.

"Oh that. About that, I had to talk with you." He scratched his head.

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