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Fuck off.

Fuck this, fuck that, fuck everything.

No, don't fuck everything. It's not healthy.

Goddamn I'm going insane.

"Are we there yet?" I ask. "Almost. Just another ten minutes." Mum tells me as she drives the car. I frown. I can't stand with this CPU on my lap for another ten minutes!

Or sit, for that matter.

I watch out of the window as we fly by tall buildings and paan shops. The roads are muddy and wet, and on top of that, some rascals have spit paan on them. It's like the battle of Kalinga had taken place here recently.

Well, not recently, but around 2200 years ago at a place around just three hours away.

And yeah, much like Pip, I tend to spit out useless facts. While she does it when she's nervous, I do it when I'm nervous, angry, too happy, too scared or anxious.

Can never be like Ravi Singh? Check. I need a Ravi in my life.

"Aadesh, close your eyes immediately!"Dad suddenly ordered, and I obliged. "What happened?" I asked. He didn't respond.

"So bad...awful."I heard mum say. The car was moving at a slow pace now. "Must be the teen's fault." Dad said. "Wonder what happened?""Do you want me to go find out?""Shut up and stay in your place, no need to go sticking your foot in unwanted places like a CID officer!!" Mum reprimanded Dad. I held in a chuckle. It was always fun to eavesdrop on mum and dad's banter. I always wish me and my future wife to be like that (if I even get a girl). Always been a hopeless romantic, you could say.

Though I definitely don't want to us to be like when mum and dad actually argue.

No-one wants to be like when their parents are fighting.

┌────── ⇚⚀⇛ ──────┐

After around half an hour, we reach our new house.

Which is in the middle of nowhere.

And it's kinda cool. The environment.

No seriously, when I'd first heard we'd be moving to a new city I thought we'd be living in an apartment or a busy street or something.

But this place? Grass around us everywhere. Breeze blowing. Dragonflies flying around.

We were at the outskirts of the city.

There was a main-gate, then an almost empty space which had a roof, but only walls made halfway up on three side and supported by pillars for air circulation (the entrance to a house on the fourth side). There were steps leading up to somewhere from the almost empty space, presumably the first floor of the building (I keep saying 'almost empty space' because it had various things like gym equipment, bicycles, etc.).

I hated this place already. Whoever lived here was clearly a gym freak.

Mum rang the doorbell and a woman, maybe in her 30's, came out of the ground floor house and opened it.

"Namaste ji, is this the house Mr and Mrs Chaturvedula?"Mum greeted. The woman nodded.

"Ji haan, aap log?"

"Hum Malhotra family. Humari baat hui thi...?"

"Arre haan! You're here with all the furniture already?"

"Yeah we thought it'd be best if we move in as soon as possible. Aadesh needs to get started on school as soon as possible, doesn't he?" Dad clapped me on the back.

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