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I sat there for a moment, a stunned expression on my face. I had counted down the seconds in my head, waiting for her to show up and yet nothing happened. I felt a chill run down my spine, colder than the cold air that was blowing around me.

I felt a wave of dread wash over me, my hope vanishing in an instant.

I felt like all the strength had been drained from my body, I was left feeling weak and empty.

She hasn't shown up. The thought repeated itself in my head like a broken record.

I couldn't believe it. All that waiting, all that hoping and she didn't even bother to show up. I felt like a fool for expecting anything.

She won't pop out like a chidiya koo-koo at exactly five, you moron.

I felt like a total idiot right now. Of course she wouldn't show up at exactly five o'clock on the dot.

What had I expected? That she'd magically appear right on time, like a character in a movie? I laughed bitterly to myself, feeling ashamed of my stupidity.

I had been so focused on the exact time that I had missed the obvious. She might not even come at all.

The realisation hit me hard, like a blow to the gut. She might not come at all. It was a horrible thought, but the more I thought about it, the more I believed it was true.

Maybe everything that happened yesterday made her have to get a cheat day off the morning routine.

I felt even more ashamed at this new thought. I had ruined her morning routine with my actions. I was the reason she might not come here today.

I felt like I was drowning in regret, the crushing weight of my actions was too much to bear.

I felt like a complete and total fool. I had hurt her, I had ruined her morning routine and now I was sitting here hoping like an idiot that she would show up.

I felt like a pathetic child, waiting for something that would never happen. I was being delusional.

As I sat there, shivering on the cold wet steps, I realised something. I had lost all hope.

The hope that had flared up inside me like a flame had now died down, leaving only a bitter emptiness in its place. I was alone, cold and disappointed. She wasn't coming.

That's when I heard it.

The unmistakable sound of a latch opening.

I perked up at the sound, my heart leaping into my throat again. Was it really her? Or was I just imagining things?

I strained my ears, trying to pick up any other sounds. I could barely hear the wind anymore; it was as if everything else around me had been muted. The only thing I could hear was the sound of the latch and my own ragged breathing.

I sat there, frozen and listening intently. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, the hope inside me flickering back to life. Just this one time, I wanted the universe to show me some mercy.

Please let it be her.

The music came from the other side of the wall.

Chham. Chham. Chham.

Uske payal.

The gate opened.

And then, she appeared.

She looked just as she always did, dressed in an all-black outfit, ponytail well set and not a hair out of place. But the sight of her was enough to make my heart skip a beat.

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