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The room's ceiling had a few cracks in it. The dust was so heavy on the ceiling that you could hardly see its colour, and there was a layer of old spiderwebs all over it. The old bookshelf by the wall was slightly tilted, the furniture had a few scruffs on it...and it was generally the messiest room you have ever seen.

I sighed as I looked around the room. The book was on the top of a cupboard, the two of us had figured.

I nodded as I looked up at the book, "Can you get it? It's too high for me."

"Shorty." He grinned.

"Say that again, and I just might decide to throw something at you."

"Shortie." He leaned back against the cupboard, as he smirked up at me.

"Stop trying to act like you're in a movie and get the damn book. Leaning against the cupboard like some morally grey mafia boss shit."

"And you're the damsel who's in distress, waiting to be rescued by knight in shining armor, and you want the tall, dark, and handsome guy to bend over and do your bidding." "Of course I do want my guy to bend over and do my bidding. And yeah, even if I was the damsel in distress, you definitely aren't going to be the knight. You would probably be the side short character along with the prince whom everyone hates; if you get a role in the fairytale, that is." I snorted.

"Hah, you think you would be the lead character in a fairy tale? More like the bitchy best friend, who never gets the prince because she thought she was too good for him, and ends up with the creepy side character."

"Don't you dare call me the side character."

"And who's gonna stop me? You?" " Shut up."

"Make me." 

"I'm not gonna kiss you."

"Fine, I don't want a kiss from a pathetic side character." "You're the one who's pathetic."

"Says the one begging and pleading and crying about how her foot hurts. Yeah, right, you don't even have the guts to take care of yourself and you still think you're the queen in this situation."

 "I don't want my lips anywhere near the catastrophe you are."

"Catastrophe, huh? Tell that to my fans who'd do anything just to touch me or to get near me."

"Fans? What fans? I have more fans than you." Well, he couldn't deny that.

"Oh please, you only have more fans because of your looks. You're just a pretty face with no brains. Unlike me, the smart, sophisticated, charismatic...and handsome one."

"Yeah sure. Get the darned book."

"Say please first." "Fuck off."

"No, you say please. I won't do anything until you say please." "I'm letting you live and not murdering you right now."

"As if I'd be afraid of you. Just ask nicely and I'll get the damn book."

"I'm calling your mom." There. The final threat.

"You wouldn't dare."

"I would." I grinned, "You know I would."

He sighed; he knew I would actually do it.

"I hate you." "I return the compliment. Get the book, angel boy."

"Fine." He said, "But only because of my mom. Not because of you or anything."


He rolled his eyes at me before finally moving towards the cupboard. He was a pain in the ass, but he was entertaining at least. 

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