Chapter 25

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Mr. Min nodded his head understandingly and said " I don't know either about this but I want you to find out about everything and make everything alright"

And without listening to a word he leaves from there .


Author POV:-

After Mr. Min left everyone present in the room and looked at Yoongi to say something but he just allowed everyone to leave .

Everyone inside the room slowly except RM who was standing there waiting for Yoongi to have a talk with him.

Soon everyone left and Yoongi took a deep breath and said to RM " I don't know how to tell you this . I know everyone might think that I'm making up some story but the man really seems like he was chasing Jimin and he's behind him not me"

RM replied  "I trust you Yoongi and I'm not disappointed with you . If I were there at your place then I would definitely do the same "

Yoongi sighed and said "  I know and that's why I told you this and I wanted you to find out about the man whereabouts and every information which you can reach "

RM nodded and then both the boys hugged each other and left from there.

RM went to do research on the man whereas Yoongi hurriedly left to meet Jimin after all he was worried for him to the core and Jin told him before he left that Jimin got his consciousness back.


Jimin lay in the dimly lit room of Yoongi's mansion, his arm heavily bandaged from the recent altercation. The pain in his arm was nothing compared to the turmoil in his heart. He looked up as Yoongi entered, his face a mask of worry and determination.

"Jimin, you need to rest," Yoongi said softly, pulling a chair close to the bed.

Jimin's eyes blazed with frustration. "Rest? You think I can rest with all these questions swirling in my head? Yoongi, I need answers."

Yoongi sighed, rubbing his temples. "I've told you, Jimin. I'll explain everything when the time is right. You just have to trust me."

"Trust you?" Jimin's voice rose, filled with bitterness. "How can I trust you when you keep shutting me out?

Yoongi looked away, his expression pained. "It's not that simple. There are things you don't understand. Telling you now will complicate everything."

Jimin struggled to sit up, wincing at the pain. "Complicate what?  Our lives? You think I can't handle the truth? I'm not some fragile doll, Yoongi. I deserve to know what's going on!"

Yoongi's face hardened. "And I deserve the right to protect you, Jimin .
Sometimes, keeping secrets is the only way to do that."

The room fell silent, the weight of their words hanging heavy in the air. Jimin's voice cracked as he spoke again, softer this time. "Do you even realize what this is doing to me?  I feel more like a stranger than a friend. You've always been the one with the solutions, but now... now I don't even know who you are."

Yoongi's eyes filled with unshed tears. "You're not a stranger, Jimin. You're my friend. That's why I can't risk telling you now. If something went wrong because of what you knew, I'd never forgive myself."

Jimin's  face was contorted with hurt. "Maybe I don't need your protection. Maybe I just need your honesty."

Yoongi reached out, but Jimin recoiled, his eyes filled with betrayal. "Don't touch me, Min. Not until you can tell me the truth."

The silence stretched between them, an unbridgeable chasm of broken trust and unspoken words. Finally, Jimin turned away, his voice barely above a whisper. "I thought we were  together. I thought we were the best friends or maybe more than that. But now... I don't know what we are."

Yoongi stood there, the weight of his decision crushing him. He wanted to reach out, to mend the rift, but he knew the truth could do more harm than good at this moment. He turned and left the room, the door closing behind him with a finality that echoed through the mansion.

As he walked away, he knew their bond was fractured, perhaps beyond repair. The man who had  been he's growing feelings for now felt like a stranger, and the path ahead seemed more uncertain than ever.

Yoongi, the feared mafia leader, walked down the dimly lit street, seeking solace from the turmoil within his shattered heart.

His expression remained a cold,  hiding the depths of his pain. The air around him crackled with his dominant aura, commanding respect and fear from anyone nearby.

Behind him, a cadre of guards followed at a cautious distance, their eyes darting nervously, aware of both the need to protect him and the icy wrath that could befall them if they faltered.

Despite their presence, Yoongi felt alone, the weight of his broken heart heavy against the backdrop of his impenetrable facade.

He don't know what to do anymore he just wanted to be alone for sometime and needed to inhale some fresh air to clear his mind.


A girl was standing in the basement torturing the shit out of her victims who tried to betrayed her and then a sound of laughed echoed through the basement from which every creature present inside the room got shivered in their bones.

She was none other than Lia.

She said in her high pitched voice " I got to know about the incident happened between Yakuza and Yoshinori Watanabe group and this is the best opportunity for us to create more misunderstanding between them and make them fight against each other. And when both the group became devastated then we will attack on them but remember that no one lay a finger on Yoongi, my man "

Everyone present inside the basement started thinking of various ways to create misunderstanding between the said groups in their evil mind.



Ok lovelies that's all for today's chapter 👀

Hope you all like it 🥲

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