The Hunter

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This is my first book! Please VOTE COMMENT AND FAN!!!

I was running. Through the woods, trying to escape my pursuer. I pushed branches out of my way, earning scratches across my face. I heard unearthly growls coming from behind me. I burst though the tree line, seeing a lake illuminated by a half moon. The Lake. I knew I was dreaming now but I was powerless to change my course. I knew what was coming. I ran faster toward The Lake, until I suddenly tripped on a rock. Always the rock. I felt claws rip through my clothes and scorch down my back. I drew in a breath to scream, and.....


I bolted out on my bed hitting the floor. I was covered in sweat and my heart was racing. I tried to calm down, still knowing I wouldn't sleep again tonight. It was the nightmare, always the same one. The red glowing letters on my clock said 4:06. Great. I decided to go for a run. It always helped me think.

I got up and threw on an old pair of sweats and a tank. I quickly pulled my hair, damp with sweat, back. I went down stairs, knowing my parents weren't home. They almost never were. They always had a dinner party or something to go to.

They never really cared or paid attention to me, as long as I stayed out of trouble. I slid my running shoes on.

The air wasn't very chilly, just enough to make me shiver once. I made my way to the woods behind my house, they were my safe haven. I had no trouble seeing where I was going. Not with my enhanced senses. Ever since my nightmares started my senses had been this way. The dreams had started about a month ago. To me, the woods looked like they would in the middle of the day, even thought the moon was only half full. Like my dream.

I shuddered and started jogging. Why were my senses this way? Why was I faster, and stronger than a normal human? Was I not human? I had better reflexes to. I continued jogging, picking up my pace.

I had once considered telling my parents about my senses and everything, then had laughed at the thought. They would probably just say I was hallucinating. Anything to not have to deal with me.

My parents didn't abuse me, they weren't like that. They just weren't loving or caring... Or anything parent related. Maybe they were better when i was younger, buy the past few years everything had changed.

I was surprised to see the end of my jogging path. I sighed then turned around and began the jog back.

When I returned, it was 6 o'clock. I decided to jump in to shower and get ready for school. Thank God it was Thursday. I headed to my room and grabbed a clean pair of jeans, and a blue t-shirt. I quickly showered and changed. I went downstairs to the kitchen and put some bread into the toaster.

Our house was nice. It wasn't what I would call a mansion, but it was big. The kitchen appliances were stainless steel.

I looked at my reflection in the toaster. I wasn't beautiful, but I would say pretty. I had medium brown hair and deep blue eyes. With my new eyesight I could see darker gray flecks in them. Kinda cool. I thought my nose was small, but others thought it was cute.

The toast popping up brought my out of my thoughts. I jumped a little, laughing at myself. I could run in the woods at night, but toast scared me. I put some cinnamon sugar on my toast. Yum. I sat down to eat, chewing quietly. I finished and threw my plate in the trash.

Now it was late enough to head to school. I grabbed my bag off the dinning room table, and slipped my jacket and shoes on. I shut of the lights and locked the door behind me. Leaving behind a big, empty house.

I got into my car, a somewhat new rav4. It was a birthday present from my parents when I turned 16 last year. I thought they had started to care again, but realized it was probably so they didn't have to drive me around. I drove to school, wishing desperately it was Friday.

I arrived to school on time, and grabbed my books from my locker.

The morning went by pretty fast, until lunch anyway. I got my tray and sat at my table, by myself. I could make friends if I made an effort. But having friends leads to sleepovers, which lead to meeting parents, or not meeting them in my case. Too many questions I didn't want to answer. it was easier to be alone for me.

I pushed my food around, not eating it. I'm not anorexic, or anything like that. It's school lunch, that is explanation enough. I should really start packing my lunch one of these days.

I headed to calculus, and tried to stay awake. I'm feeling the short night right about now. I'm in calc. because I'm in advanced math. So though I'm a junior, I'm in a class with mostly seniors. After calculus I go to my locker to get the books I need to take home. Math, check. Biology, check. Spanish, unfortunately check.

Technically, I still have gym left, but it's hard to hide my abilities in there. Anyway no one wants to tell the 4.0 GPA student that she has to take gym. I'm not a nerd if thats what your thinking, I just apply myself.

I head to my car, throwing my bag into the passenger seat. I drive the short 10 minutes home. I pull up the drive, noticing my parents aren't home. It's Thursday, my mom has an art gallery to go to, and my dad it probably with her.

I grab my bag and go inside, not noticing the door is unlocked. Once inside I pull of my shoes and throw my bag on the table. I head to the kitchen and grab an apple. I talk to myself as I grab a knife to peel it. "Hi Honey, how was your day?" I say, imitating my mother. "Fine, until the aliens attacked and burned the school down." I say sarcastically. I once said this to my parents to see their reaction. My dad just said "that's nice" then continued to read the paper.

I start slicing the apple when I hear a deep chuckle behind me. I freeze, and turn around slowly. There are two men, one my age, maybe a year older. That would put him at nineteen. The other looks about 30. This can't be good.

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