Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

The water was sick, unnatural. It felt oily on my skin, and it clogged my nose. Yuck.

I flicked my tail and propelled myself downward.

The water was dark, and it was difficult to see, though my eyesight helped a little.

I kept an eye out for whatever was going to be down here. It would help if I knew what it was.

The lake was very deep, and I kept swimming down, down, down to the bottom.

Where would the Hunters be? I knew they were at the bottom, but would they be hidden or in plain sight? And how would they be trapped? Cages? Chains?

There were endless possibilities, but I would face them when I reached that point.

I kept moving down, it got darker as I went.

I was getting nervous. Where was this thing no was supposed to face?

I swam faster, propelling myself past seaweed and gross dead leaves.

Then I saw the bottom, and with it, the Hunters.

They were floating at the bottom in rows, held in place by chains that connected them to the bottom floor. I swam to the first man.

His lips were blue but could see the very faint rise and fall off his chest. I pulled myself along the chain until I felt the bottom.

Pulling on the chain stirred up the muck on the bottom of the lake, so I waited a moment for it to clear.

I froze the chain with a movement of my wrist, then hit it until it shattered. I pushed the man up toward the surface, and swam to the next one.

A fiery pain shot up my tail, and I was pulled away from the Hunter.

I twisted myself around and saw it. A tentacle wrapped around the top of tail.

It was pink and bumpy, and wrapped around me twice. There were tiny suction cups sticking to me.

It was a freaking Kraken!!

Then I saw its face.

An ugly bulbous thing, with two holes for eyes in the middle of its head.

The eyes were completely black, like a Daemons.

I screamed and thrashed. I had to get away from this thing.

I choked on water, and tried to pry the tentacle off me. It was slimy and sticky, and utterly repulsing.

It kept drawing me closer.

I needed to calm down, use my powers, before I became a kraken snack.

I closed my eyes, and pictured the kraken freezing solid.

The tentacle around my waist let go, and I pushed myself back a couple feet. The kraken was thrashing in agony, and it was looked half frozen.

Ice clung to it, but it wasn't fully frozen.

A tentacle whipped by and scorched down my shoulder. I shrieked and bubbles came out of my mouth.

My heart was going to burst out of my chest if it pounded any faster.

I shut my mouth and bit my lip to keep from crying out and losing more oxygen.

I could say under for as long as I wanted, but that was with at least some amount of oxygen in my lungs.

I twisted and saw a long wide gash down my right shoulder, and it was bleeding, though not as bad as I thought it would.

I swam back a couple more feet, and pictured the kraken boiling alive.

It started screaming a high pitched wine that hurt my ears even muted in the water. I covered them and focused harder.

The kraken's screams got louder and when I opened my eyes, its skin was literally bubbling.

I coaxed the water around it to boil even hotter and the Kraken started....I guess melting is the right word.

It's screams stopped, and it's skin started to peel off.

Tissues and muscles underneath began to disintegrate, and flake away.

I looked away, if I watched I think I would have thrown up.

The water around me was tinged red with blood, and I knew the kraken was dead.

I swam back to the Hunters, and began freezing the chains, going down the row. When my tail passed by a frozen one, I flicked it, shattering the chains.

I kept working quickly, in case another kraken decided to show up or some other horror.

On and on the rows went, and it seemed to take forever. My tail started to ache from hitting the frozen chains.

'One more down' I told my self every time a Hunter floated toward the surface.

I reached the last row sometime later. I don't know how long it was, I just threw myself into the work.

I was freezing the last chain when I heard it. A kraken's wail.

It sounded sad, like a moan. Crap I think the first one has a friend.

I broke the last chain, grabbing he arm of the Hunter beside me, who was a women.

I swam toward the surface faster than I had even swam before.

I heard a muffled cry and assumed the kraken had found the empty chains.

We broke trough the surface, and the woman came alive, coughing. She began to fade, and I knew she was returning to her body.

I swam to the edge and saw hundreds of Daemons waiting for me. They pushed at each other, trying to get closer to the edge.

I pushed a wall of water back from the edge with my hands, and created a dome over part of the land, with and opening toward the water, and froze it solid.

Since they couldn't enter the water, they couldn't get into the dome. I pulled myself up onto the land and turned back to the water.

It took a lot of upper arm strength, but I managed.

Putting both hands out a froze the lake. It started from the center and froze outward. It a matter or seconds it was solid, with the kraken inside.

I dried myself, steaming the water from my body. I had legs again.

My shoulder was starting to burn, an it was bleeding again.

I stood up, half crouching in my dome.

Why wasn't I back yet?

"Sam!!" I screamed.

The Daemons were scratching at the frozen walls, tearing it down.

"Sam!!!!" I yelled again.

Oh god, what if he didn't....


I jolted back into my body, falling off the bed. Sam was there, hugging me.

"Your safe now, Alissa. Your ok."

He continued to murmur to me, until it hit me.

Where was Cameron?


Hahah I'm so evil, I know. Hope you liked it! So sad it's almost over! Only one chapter left, plus maybe an epilogue.

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