Chapter 10

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"Prophecy? What prophecy?" I asked confused.

This better not be some hero-sacrifices-them self prophecy

Sam looked at Cameron who looked as confused as I did.

"Let's go to Alissa's room."

When we left the pool there was a crowd of other Hunters, all staring at me. I hate being in the spotlight.

Once when I was little, I had fallen on the play ground at school and broken my ankle. Everyone had been watching me and talking about me.

I hadn't that feeling. That everyone was staring at you.

I walked faster toward my room, and Cameron grabbed my hand, with a grin.

I was hit with the sudden realization that I liked Cameron. And from the looks of it, he liked me too. Hopefully even with this tail.

This was getting more complicated by the minute.

When we arrived at my room I sat on my bed with Cameron close to my side.

Sam, again, sat in the chair in the corner.

"Long ago, a prophecy was given to the Hunters. It foretold this,

One will come

Faced with a trial

All others have failed

With water at their hands

And scales at their feet

They will succeed "

I glanced at Cameron, wondering of he knew what this meant.

"We believe the trial is rescuing the captured Hunters from The Lake. As you know 'all others have failed' is true here. "

"We have been waiting for some while for this 'one' to rescue our trapped hunters."

Cameron's hand had found mine. I belt tightly to it, and I felt him give mine a reassuring squeeze.

Our hands fit so perfectly together.

Funny I noticed this now.

"But the other part 'Water at their hands and scales at their feet' obviously mean you. We always though scales as in weight, never scales as in fish."

Sam looked at me with awe on his face. Great.

"Don't you see? The prophecy refers to you! Who better to go to The Lake than a mermaid? You literally have scales at your feet and since your a mermaid, water at your hands."

Sam was scarring me. He looked like he was ready to send me to The Lake right now.

Cameron looked upset with Sam.

"So your just going to ship her off to The Lake now?" Cameron obviously did not like that idea.

It was then that I wondered if Cameron had ever been to The Lake. He obviously didn't want me there.

Sam stared at me as he spoke.

"No, Alissa will train more first. More training against Daemons, and what she will have to do at The Lake."

Cameron was really upset now. I could almost see the steam coming from his ears.

"Can we have a minute alone?" I directed the question at Sam.

Cameron did not look happy, and I needed to talk to him.

"Yes, sure." Sam stood up and left, quietly closing the door behind him.

That's when Cameron exploded.

"How could you even consider this?! Greater Hunters have died! Worse they have been stuck at The Lake, suffering like they were forever drowning!"

Well that made me feel so much better. I hope you see that sarcasm in that sentence.

He was just being ridiculous.

"This is my choice Cameron! If I have the power to save these people, I want to do it! How can I just leave them there, knowing I'm the only one that can save them? Would you leave me there, if you knew you could save me?"

Cameron sighed.

"I'm sorry, I just can't stand the thought of you being stuck there. I can't lose you, Alissa."

I hugged Cameron tightly, knowing I couldn't lose him either.

If Cameron an I felt the same way about each other, this was dangerous. How could either of us stand it if the other died, as it would be easy to do fighting the Daemons.

Or something as simple as getting partnered with a different Hunter to fight with.

But right now I was to be here, in this moment. Not worrying about future possible problems.

As Cameron and I hugged, I realized how right this felt.

I whispered to myself, knowing he would hear.

"But I'm still going to do this."

Cameron stood up and quietly left. I sighed and curled up under the still too white comforter on my bed.

It provided me with warmth and comfort that I so desperately needed right now.

What if Sam was wrong? How could I be the one from the prophecy? I was just...just me. Nothing special. Well other than the tail part but that was more freaky than unique.

But still, what of I failed? What would Cameron think of me then?

Or if I failed and became trapped at The Lake.

I shuddered just thinking of it.

These questions were to much right now. I needed to rest.

I cocooned myself in the comforter, blotting out the rest of the world, and slept.

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