Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I forced my eyes open, and saw Cameron hovering above me. My whole body ached.

"Alissa what happened?" Cameron asked me.

There were tear streaks covering his face, and fresh ones in his eyes.

Oh, my Cameron.

Sam sat on the end of my bed and Cameron was kneeling at my pillow.

"I killed two of them in the woods. Then they began pouring out of the woods. I threw my dagger and killed one. But- but" I choked on a sob in my throat.

"Shhh your safe now Princess." Cameron whispered, stroking my hair.

I think he was reassuring himself as much as me.

"I didn't even make it to the water! A Daemon came out, and he was smiling this evil grin. Then the Daemons around me looked like people I cared about. My parents, and you, Cameron. I couldn't kill them. I just couldn't."

I didn't want to go on but I knew Sam wanted to hear everything.

My heart galloped in my chest, just thinking about what had happened.

"So I ran, toward the water. Where I realized, it was my nightmare. I tripped on a rock and fell, just like my nightmare. They were on me in an instant."

I shuddered, remembering and feeling the scratches covering my body.

Pain shot up my back at the small muscle movement, and I bit my lip to keep from crying out. Cameron couldn't hear that.

I looked at Sam asking for some kind of explanation to why I failed.

"That Daemon must have been a Illusionist."

Cameron looked up from my face to Sam.

"Care to explain?" He asked.

Sam took a deep breath.

"A Illusionist can control another's mind. Make them see things that aren't there. Or in Alissa's case, see people who aren't there. It's a rare ability among Hunters, and it appears it's an ability among the Daemons as well" He sighed.

"So how do we get around this? If I go back they will be ready for me."

I couldn't, no wouldn't, go back without a way to overcome this.

Cameron hugged me tighter to him, and I relished in the comfort he gave me.

Even if he was hurting the scratches covering my back.

Sam's eyes lit up. I'm assuming he had a solution.

"If I'm not mistaken, there is a Hunter in our records who is a Illusionist. If I remember correctly his name is Adam, ad he just recently finished his training at a neighboring compound.

If we can get him here, he can help train you to block the Daemon out. I'll send for him tonight, so you can start once your healed."

I was beginning to grow tired. Cameron must have sensed it because he got up to leave. Sam followed him.

"Cameron, wait." I said.

Sam glanced at Cameron and nodded, then left.

"What is it Princess?" Cameron's eyes looked so sad, they made me want to cry.

"Stay with me please?" I asked him.

"Always, now let me look at those scratches."

I mentally grimaced. I had a feeling Cameron wasn't going to be happy about my injuries.

And I wasn't to happy at the idea of someone touching my wounds either.

Cameron helped me pull what was left of my mesh armor off. I slowly lifted the back of my shirt, and heard Cameron gasp. I guess it was pretty bad.

Cameron left and walked over to one of the counters in the corner, ad brought back a roll of gauze, and some spray. The spray looked like it would sting. Ouch.

Cameron's face stayed neutral, but I could tell he wanted to say something.

When the first of the antiseptic spray hit my back, I couldn't keep back the gasp that came from my mouth.

"I'm so sorry Alissa." I heard Cameron say.

"What? Why are you sorry?" I asked confused.

More spray hit my back, but it was a lesser pain now.

But Cameron just continued to fix my scratches, and wrapped the gauze around my midsection.

I turned around and grabbed Cameron's chin,

"Why are you sorry?" I asked again.

"Because I couldn't protect you! I wasn't there, I let you get hurt, you almost died!"

"Don't you dare Cameron! Don't blame yourself for this. None f this is your fault. So don't even think it."

My voice grew soft at the end, and I yawned.

I can't believe he blamed himself. If anything it was my fault for not reaching The Lake faster.

"Come on Princess, go to sleep, I'll stay with you."

That sentence comforted me, and I was finally able to calm down.

I laid back down, carefully avoiding my scratches, as Cameron laid beside me.

Before I drifted of to sleep, I murmured, "I love you too."

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