Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I ended up wearing training clothes, a pair of maneuverable yoga pants, and plain tank top. Also a thin mesh armor that covered my neck and chest.

My dagger and an extra one, along with another short sword were strapped to my side.

They made satisfying clinks as I walked, reminding me of their protection.

Cameron and Sam led me to the infirmary, Cameron holding my hand the whole way.

I let out a gasp when I saw how many men were there, were trapped at The Lake. There were so many. Men and women alike.

Rows upon rows of cots held bodies that appeared to be sleeping.

I knew they weren't.

They were all hooked up to I.V.'s and machines, that continuously beeped, recording heartbeats.

"If I had known how many...I would have.... sooner...". I said quietly.

Cameron squeezed my hand.

"Exactly why we didn't tell you. We wanted you to be ready, not rush into things."

I was upset they had kept this from me, but also got their point.

Cameron led me to an empty cot, where Sam was preparing the injection.

I laid down and made my self comfortable.

The beds springs squeaked nosily as I moved around, and I almost cringed until I remembered I couldn't wake the sleeping bodies. Cameron sat by my bed, still holding my hand.

"Please be careful."

"You know I will." I replied with a sad smile. I really hoped I made it out alive.

It would really really suck if I didn't.

'No. I will do this.' I mentally commanded my self. If not for me then for Cameron and the trapped Hunters.

I looked away as Sam put the needle in my arm, I really hate needles.

I felt a quick pinch in my forearm, then the pain faded.

I felt the serum take affect quickly. My eyes dropped, and my vision grew blurry.

I kept my mind focused on the lake.

Just as I faded away, I heard Cameron whisper, "I love you, Princess."


I slowly found myself, standing at the woods by the edge of the lake. It was night time, with the moon casting a shadow on The Lake.

The moon was reflecting on the water. The glistening water looked so calm, serene.

But I knew what really lurked under the dangerous water.

Sam had told me there was no way to know what time of day it would be when I arrived. Unfortunately it was night.

Was it ever day here?

I cautiously stepped forward, and that's when I heard it.

The growls from my nightmare. Lethal, unearthly growls.

I spun around and saw two Daemons.

Fangs out and claws extended. They were slightly hunched over and had ugly, discolor skin coloring their bodies.

He looked worse than Evil Guy. At least Evil guy had been in somewhat human form.

The first snarled at me and charged.

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