Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

I pushed Sam away from me, I wanted Cameron.

"Sam where's Cameron?"

I looked around the room, seeing bodies moving everywhere. Men and women getting up after being unconscious for so long.

Some were crying, and Adam walked around organizing everybody.

I was so relived and happy that I saved them all.

But where was Cameron?

Sam looked worried, like he was withholding something from me. He looked around the room, until his eyes froze on something.

I followed his gaze.


It was then that everything fell into place, and I knew.

I pushed Sam away again and ran across to the far side of the room.

Oh god, please no, not Cameron.

People shuffled out of my way as i dodged left and right, and I saw him.

My Cameron, laying in a bed, still unconscious. Not waking up like everyone else.

My eyes were blurry with tears when I reached his bed.

I collapsed beside him. The tears were flowing freely now.

Strangely I didn't transform when the watery tears hit my face.

Right now I really didn't care though.

"Cameron why!? How could you leave me?! Oh please no!"

I begged but Cameron just lay there. His chest faintly rising.

Sam came up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder, of course it was my bad one.

Pain burned through my wound, but I ignored it.

I buried my head in Cameron's chest and sobbed.

"Alissa I'm so sorry. He saw the wound appear on your shoulder, and he came after you. I told him it was to dangerous. But he refused to stay."

"Give him the revival serum, he has to.." I crawled over the nearest cart and grabbed a syringe.

Sam stopped me, grabbing my shoulders and taking the syringe from me, though I tried desperately to keep a grip on it.

"Alissa I've already done that. You know that's the first thing I would have done. He didn't wake up. Meaning he's in the water. And you froze it. He's trapped there Alissa."

I crawled back to Cameron and hugged his hand in mine.

"He's still alive, only because you froze the water quickly enough that his vital organs didn't fail."

I glared at Sam through my tears. How could he be so calm?!

"Then send me back!" I demanded.

I would go back and get Cameron. I wouldn't leave him there.

"Alissa you know I can't do that. The Daemons will be furious and even more prepared for you. They know now what you can do. It would be suicide. You and Cameron both will die."

I turned on him, now extremely furious.

"I don't care I have to try!" my voice hiccuped and I darted to the nearest cart to grab a vial of the serum.

I had the only filled syringe in my hands when Sam ripped it away from me.


I grabbed for the needle, but Sam held it out of reach.

"Alissa I can't let you go back. It's a lost cause. Cameron wouldn't want you to."

"I don't care!" I roared at Sam.

How could he do this?! He knows I love Cameron, I won't leave him there.

Adam heard me yelling and came running over.

"Alissa calm down, you know we tried-" He didn't sound at all upset that Cameron was gone.

"How could you?! How could you let him go?"

I beat my fists on Adam chest, taking my anger out on him.

Adam let me hit him, just standing there not even trying to stop me.

When i was finished I turned to Sam and held out my hand.

"Give it." I said quietly.

"No." Sam said firmly.

That's when I had enough. They weren't going to stop me. I was going to get Cameron back.

I flicked my wrist and water from a sink on the other side of the room shot toward Sam. I froze it and it became icicle shaped.

Pointed. Deadly.

I stopped it inches from Sam's neck.

By now everyone else was watching us, but I barely noticed them. I was focused on Sam.

"Give it Sam, you known I'll do it." I said threateningly. No one was going to stand between me and Cameron.

Though I don't know how threatening I looked with tear streaks across my face.

Sam's gaze shifted and I remembered Adam was behind me.

Oh shi-

Before I could react, a needle plunged into my neck, and the world dimmed.

I collapsed into Adams outstretched arms, along with the frozen icicle, I could no longer keep a hold on.

I tried to wiggle from his arms, but Adam kept a tight hold on me, and the drug was already taking affect.

"No- Adam- Please-" My eyes flickered, and grew heavy.

He had given me a sedative.

"How could you...." I mumbled, my eyes closing.

"I'm sorry Alissa, I truly am. But we can't...." And that was all I heard from Sam.

My breathing slowed and I knew I only had seconds left. I would find Cameron, I vowed. I wouldn't leave him there.

Before the dark waters pulled me under, I promised myself and Cameron,

'I will come back for you.'


That's the end of book one guys!

I'm so evil! I bet you all hate me now.

Please don't! There MAY BE sequel, I'll post another authors note with the title of the next book IF YOU DO THIS:

please comment with how you liked it. Did you hate it? Love it? Do you guys WANT a sequel? If no one is interested I won't write please give feed back!

Hope you liked the ending! Please comment vote and fan guys!

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