Volume 2: Chapter 1.1 - Declaration of War

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"Good morning, class. You all seem quite lively today."

Sakagami strode into the classroom right before the homeroom bell rang.

"Of course we are, sensei! We just got our private points this morning! I don't think I've ever been this happy since the first day of school," Ishizaki exclaimed.

Today was June 1st, which meant we would be receiving a decently large sum of private points. The amount given was based on our class points—not points that an individual student possessed, but rather, the points the class had accumulated as a whole. The school multiplied our class points by a hundred and then deposited that amount into our private accounts on the first day of every month.

"We all received 67,800 private points, didn't we? I can't wait to start spending them after school. This is gonna be the best!"

"Yes, yes. I'm glad you all are so happy about getting your points. However, in case you haven't noticed, we have ourselves a little problem." As soon as I uttered those words, the entire class grew silent and turned their attention towards me.

"Huh? What are you talking about, Ryuuen-san?"

"Look for yourself. Don't you think the number of points we received was slightly lower than what we should've gotten?"

Ishizaki thought for a while. "Really? I don't see it."

"Ishizaki-san, I think Ryuuen-san's referring to the fact that we should have received 69,000 private points, but we only received 67,800. We lost 1,200 private points seemingly out of the blue," Sonoda said.

"Oh yeah...Hey, what's the deal with that? Did the school make a mistake, sensei?" Komiya cried out.

"No, Komiya. I assure you there were no mistakes in distributing private points. You all received the correct amount," Sakagami replied.

"But then, why...?"

"It's obvious, Komiya-shi. 12 class points were deducted due to misbehavior during lessons. Because of that, our class points dropped to 678, and we were only given 67,800 private points this month," Kaneda explained.

"Ohhh. I see now," Komiya said, slapping himself in the face. "Hey, what are you all looking at me for!? I didn't misbehave during class at all. Come on, guys!"

"I'm aware that it's almost impossible to not lose any points on behavior for a whole month. However, a deduction of 12 points is unacceptable. I expect you all to be on your best behavior. Is that clear?"

Everyone nodded. Unfortunately, I couldn't exactly monitor everyone during class, especially since I sat at the front of the room. In the coming months, hopefully we would be able to limit the number of points we lost on misconduct. Although it might not seem like much, these tiny deductions do add up in the long run.

"Hey, Ryuuen-san. Are you gonna ask us to give you a portion of our private points again? You know, since you're acting as the class bank and stuff?"

"I was gonna do it after school, but I suppose now is as good a time as any." I glanced at Sakagami, who had been watching our entire conversation from the sidelines.

"Go ahead. Since it's the first day of the month, you all have this homeroom period to yourselves. You're free to do whatever you please until the first lesson."

"Alright, so same deal as last time. Each of you hand me your student IDs. I'll transfer 50% of your current private points into my account."

"50% again? Ryuuen-san, isn't that a bit harsh?"

"I suggest you be grateful that it's not any more than that. And besides, this will teach some of you to better manage your allowance," I responded.

"Guys, I know it isn't great, but these points are being used for a good purpose. If someone is about to get expelled, we can save them. It'll all be worth it when that time comes," Sonoda said, appealing to the crowd.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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