Volume 1: Chapter 4.2 - A Clash of Titans

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I slowly walked through the hallways after class, heading up the stairs towards the fourth floor of the school building. This level contains all the administrative rooms used by the staff and officials, but I wasn't planning on going to one of those. My destination was the student council room.

I arrived at the door to the office, but instead of knocking I simply barged in without a care in the world.

I looked inside the room and saw six individuals. A slender man with short, sleek black hair with square-rimmed glasses sat at a long table near the far right side of the room. Based on his demeanor and the description I heard from Kaneda, he must be Horikita Manabu, the student council president.

Upon hearing the door burst open, he looked up and gave me a calm but stern gaze. He didn't look the least bit surprised that I showed up out of the blue.

A girl with purple hair tied in two twin buns sat close by the president at the far side of the long table. Her face contained a mixture of surprise and confusion when she saw me enter.

Sitting at another table a little aways from those two was a boy with dazzling light-blonde hair and blue eyes. He raised his eyebrows in interest and gave me a slight grin. Beside him was a serious individual with short black hair swept to the sides. 

"Oh, my, did you get lost? This is the student council room, you know?" the blond-haired boy said.

"I'm well aware of that, genius. Believe it or not, I came here of my own free will," I replied.

"What? But I don't recall you ever booking an appointment. Students can't just enter here like they own the place!" the girl exclaimed.

"Who cares about appointments? I don't waste my time with crap like that. I show up wherever I want, whenever I feel like it. People clear their schedules to make time for me, not the other way around," I responded with a smirk.

"H-How rude! What an insolent and self-centered first-year! Did no one teach you basic manners?" the girl cried.

"That's enough, Tachibana. Now, I haven't seen you around before. You must be a freshman. What business do you have with the student council?" asked the sleek black-haired boy.

"Nothing much. I just came here to get a feel for the student council president himself. You're that show-off who pulled that stunt at the club fair, aren't you?"

"W-What...How dare...I mean..."

The girl beside him, named Tachibana, started stammering and stuttering as if she forgot how to speak. To be honest, it was quite amusing.

"Yes, that was me. Surely, you didn't come here just to talk about that, did you?" the student council president asked.

"Heh. Of course not. I just wanna have a nice, long relaxing chat with you, Horikita. The title of student council president is a big one, after all. It would be bad if someone incompetent were to receive the role, don't ya think?" I taunted him.

"Who are you to talk that way in front of the president himself? Show some respect!" The girl shouted.

"Respect? Who gives a shit about something like that? Respect is earned, not given. A title is just a title. Just because you want to suck him dry doesn't mean the rest of us should bow down and treat him like a god," I countered.

The blond-haired boy let out a cackle as the rest of the people in the room sat frozen in shock, their mouths agape.

"It seems we have ourselves quite the interesting first-year, Horikita-senpai. By the way, my name is Nagumo Miyabi, vice president of the student council and the soon-to-be student council president."

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