Volume 1: Chapter 7.5 - The Merciless Siege(Conclusion)

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As Hoshinomiya-sensei began wrapping up the final lesson for today, I kept glancing at the clock at the front of the room to check the time.

The hand was ticking by so slowly. I felt like it wasn't even moving at all. I usually enjoyed going to school and spending time with my friends after class, but these past two days were different.

After Ryuuen-kun's visit to our class yesterday, everyone's spirit was shattered, including mine. I had planned to tell everyone about Kanzaki-kun's story and his perspective regarding his conflict with Ryuuen-kun, but after the events that transpired, I didn't have the heart to do so.

The atmosphere was strained and uncomfortable, and I hated every second of it. Deep down, my classmates were silently suspecting each other, the existence of the traitor looming in everyone's minds.

When school finally ended yesterday, I sprinted out of the classroom as quickly as possible and went back to my dorm.

The peaceful and new life I had sought was now gone. I knew that the classes would be more wary of one another from now on. However, I never would have expected an attack to happen this early.

If only I was a better leader and made better decisions, then Kanzaki-kun wouldn't have confronted Ryuuen-kun directly and got caught in his trap. If I was just a little more competent, the traitor wouldn't have decided to betray us. Maybe, just maybe...

Wait, no. What am I even saying? There's no way that there could be a traitor in my class. Right?

Mako-chan and Chihiro-chan were supportive as always and called me asking if I was okay. I was grateful for their kindness. Unfortunately, there was nothing they could do now to help me. I just wanted to be alone.

Nothing really changed today, either. Everyone silently listened to Hoshinomiya-sensei with somber expressions. She tried to cheer everyone up, but without much success. The worst part of it all was that I could do nothing about it either. Offering words of encouragement like I had done in the past would be pointless. I was forced to sit there, helpless, as the class I had built came crashing down before my eyes.

As the final lesson was about to end, I quickly packed up my belongings and prepared to leave. However, as soon as the bell rang, something unexpected happened.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

A loud chorus of notifications popping up suddenly filled the entire room. Everyone quickly looked at their phones in surprise. I took mine out too, but as soon as I saw the message, I felt the blood rush from my face.

It was a message from Ryuuen-kun.

Hoshinomiya-sensei was also curious and quickly glanced at the message on Yume-chan's phone. As soon as she saw it, her usual bubbly demeanor vanished into a look of shock.

"So it's true. There really is a traitor in our class."

As everyone slowly came to terms and absorbed the message, the sinking realization slowly spread across the room.

Before, some of my classmates had desperately clung to the hope that Ryuuen-kun was bluffing and just happened to get the information from somewhere. However, denying the truth now would be pointless. 

Mako-chan rushed up to me and showed me her phone. "Honami-chan, did you get the same message?"

"Yeah. Mako-chan...do you really think someone betrayed us?"

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