Volume 1: Chapter 1.2 - Unraveling Mysteries

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As expected, the entrance ceremony was incredibly boring, and I could tell most of the students felt the same. The principal and the upperclassmen on stage kept on yapping nonstop, sucking up to each other in the cringiest way possible. If this was a dick-riding competition, I genuinely couldn't tell you who won. 

To keep myself from pulling my ears off, I spent the majority of my time analyzing the other students. There were a couple of individuals that caught my eye in particular.

Standing in the middle of the crowd was a girl with long, strawberry-blonde hair and blue eyes. Then again, it was pretty hard not to notice her. She attracted people like moths to a flame; a large group of students were already surrounding her. No doubt she would be extremely popular due to her looks and her bubbly aura.

Other than that, I saw a tall, well-built young man near the left side of the gymnasium. He had an intimidating and dominating aura due to his height, and he was one of the few people that paid attention to the entrance ceremony the entire time. The respect I had for him instantly plummeted to the ground when I saw that. What a tryhard.

Why did I notice him in particular, you might ask? Well, it's because he's bald. Combined with his height, he kinda stood out among the crowd. I'm not dissing him because of his lack of hair or anything. I'm just saying he was conspicuous.

The rest of the students were busy dozing off or whispering with one another. Since everybody was spread out, it was hard to tell who was in which class. I myself purposefully hung out in the very back, decently far away from most of my classmates. If I got too close, they might get nervous and start acting fidgety because of my actions this morning. That wouldn't be very good for my cover.

It was noon when that godforsaken pretentious ceremony finally ended. I decided to stroll around campus, exploring the facilities and the various buildings. I saw a lot more upperclassmen compared to first years; I imagine most of the freshmen went to check out their dorms right after that snoozefest.

As I walked around, I noticed a park and a large boulevard filled with gardens and scenery. The more I saw, the more I felt a strange feeling tugging at me. I just couldn't help feeling that this school was hiding something big.

I decided to swing by Keyaki Mall, and I could immediately tell it was the most popular attraction for students outside of classes. The building was huge, and I could see stores lining the sides as far as the eye could see. Whether it be fashion, clothing, electronics, food, accessories, tools, or gear – this place had it all.

This school almost felt like a utopia. It had pretty much everything one could ask for. Besides going to class, students had unlimited freedom. There was a park, a pool, and a track field for sports. Not to mention the five-story mall with an arcade, gym, a karaoke parlor, restaurants, and numerous stores. Literally what more would you need?

Looking around, I was about to head back out when I saw an interesting sight. Perched sneakily up top, hidden just above a store sign, was a surveillance camera slowly moving back and forth.

I narrowed my eyes upon seeing this. However, as I walked around, I soon began to notice cameras located all over the mall. Many of them were hidden well, and were difficult to see unless you viewed them at a certain angle. Some were inside posts or under banners, or like the one I found, hidden using the sign above the store. These cameras covered a good chunk of area within the mall as well.

This was interesting. I wonder if there are cameras located inside the stores as well? I walked inside a clothing shop and carefully looked around. As expected, I noticed a couple of discreetly placed cameras at the far corners of the room, their thick lenses sweeping over the entirety of the store.

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