Volume 1: Chapter 3.1 - Drowning Class

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The first week of school passed by without much incident. On Thursday, I announced to the class that Albert had officially accepted me as the leader and would give his assistance from now on. With this, I anticipated that all internal resistance from within the class would disappear entirely.

I could tell that those who didn't exactly approve of my leadership were hit particularly hard by this announcement. Tokitou, for instance, looked visibly displeased upon hearing the news. However, with Albert by my side, there was little he could do to stop me. He wouldn't have much support, especially since most of the class felt it would be best if they simply followed my orders.

Classes were a drag, but I somehow managed to get through it. My classmates behaved better than usual on Thursday, but most of them went back to their antics the very next day. Expected, but disappointing.

I exchanged contact information with Ishizaki, Komiya and Kondou. I did it so that I could keep an eye on them to make sure they didn't do anything reckless or reveal sensitive information. Those three — mainly Ishizaki in particular — tended to run their mouths for no reason. They did have their uses, though. They functioned well as foot soldiers who helped perform the menial tasks while I would plan the general strategy.

Although they probably don't trust me fully, at least they don't snap back and leave when I'm around anymore. In fact, Ishizaki and the others asked me if I wanted to hang out with them over the weekend, and they even offered to pay for all the food. They might have done that to get on my good side since I had that recording, but it was still a welcome sight.

I also finished documenting the locations of the cameras in Keyaki Mall. It still amazes me just how large that place is. In addition, I created my own map of the school to jot down any cameras located on the outside. There were many perched on lampposts or on the side of the buildings, making them relatively easy to spot.

Today marked the start of my second week of school at the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School. Sakagami mentioned that there would be a co-ed swimming lesson before lunch, which surprised almost everyone in the class. I wasn't really expecting this to happen, but I wasn't complaining. It was better than sitting in a classroom learning math or history.

Most of the guys were excited about today. I'm pretty confident that most of them just wanted to see the girls in swimsuits, but at least they didn't make their intentions obvious. I'm glad most of my classmates were able to show some self-restraint. Unfortunately, there were always a couple of people that couldn't get the memo.

"Woohoo! Man, am I excited! Hey, Komiya. Among the girls, who do you wanna bet has the biggest you-know-what?" Ishizaki exclaimed as he walked in.

"Huh? What are you even talking about, Ishizaki?" Komiya replied, looking a little confused.

"Come on, man! Y'know what I mean."

"Seriously? Dude, that's just on a different level. If the girls find out you were discussing this, they'll kill you." Kondou, who also happened to overhear Ishizaki, didn't seem too impressed by his newfound enthusiasm.

"Hey, hey. Don't spoil the mood with your depressing words, Kondou. It's not my problem that you were staring at Kushida-chan like crazy and she just ignored you half the time."

"Oy! We don't talk about that here!" Kondou got up from his seat and confronted Ishizaki head on. "Don't think you have the right to make fun of me. We all know you'll never get a girlfriend no matter how hard you try."

"Oh yeah? Wanna make a bet?" Ishizaki smacked the palm of his hand with his fist. "Whoever gets a girlfriend first has to tack on sama after the other person's name until graduation. How does that sound?"

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