Volume 1: Chapter 8.3 - Final Preparations

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During my lunch break, I made my way towards an isolated area behind the mall. When I arrived, I saw a student standing with his arms crossed, tapping his foot in annoyance.

"You know, it's rude to call someone out for a meeting and then show up five minutes late. I've got better things to be doing with my time," the student spat in an annoyed voice.

"Like what, exactly? Crying that you have no points like the loser you are?" I replied, amused.

"Show some respect. Just because you're in Class C and I'm in Class D doesn't mean you can say whatever the hell you want."

"Actually, I think I can. And besides, I'm in Class B now, soon to become the next Class A. The difference between us is like night and day. You are nothing more than a defect, a piece of human trash. Don't think you deserve respect just because you're an upperclassman."

"What? You're in Class B? That's impossible! I clearly remember you saying back then that you were the representative of Class C!"

"Not anymore," I grinned and showed the upperclassman my phone. "See this? I'm currently at 690 class points. In just a month, I managed to surpass the original Class B and move up a spot."

The student's mouth dropped wide open as he stared at the class rankings. He gritted his teeth and glared at me furiously.

"So what? Did you call me out here just to make fun of me or something? Why couldn't we talk about this in the cafeteria like last time?"

"If we do this in the cafeteria, we'll draw too much attention. Everyone in my year knows who I am now. People are gonna be wondering what I'm up to and trying to eavesdrop on our conversation."

"What the hell did you even do?"

"That's none of your business. Now, hurry up. Did you get the questions for the midterm and the mock test like I requested?"

"Yeah, I got them both from a classmate of mine. How many points are you willing to pay for them?"

"10,000. That's the most you're getting."

As soon as I finished my sentence, I heard a couple of ringing sounds coming from my pocket. I decided to ignore them for the time being.

"What? That's it? No way, man. I need at least 25,000 points. I promised my classmate that I would give him some too. And besides, you've got more than enough points to spare, right?"

"I'm not wasting more points than necessary over some stupid test questions. 10,000 is the highest I'm willing to go, and that's it. If you're gonna be greedy, then leave."

"You shouldn't be so dismissive, first year. It seemed to me like you really wanted to get those test questions. Didn't you mention that you would draw a lot of attention if you went to the cafeteria? Knowing that, I don't see how you can find another upperclassman to barter with. I'm your only chance of getting those questions."

"You do realize I can just have someone else do it for me, right?" I pulled up the messages I received and showed it to the upperclassman. "One of my classmates is in the cafeteria negotiating with the upperclassmen as we speak. A third-year student has offered to give both the old mock test and midterm questions for only 12,000 points."

"Wait, what? Why do you have your classmates asking for the test questions as well?"

"Because I knew that there was a chance you would be a greedy piece of shit and ramp up the price. So what are you gonna do now? Either accept my offer right here and now, or stay miserable while I do my business elsewhere. Your choice."


Even the upperclassman knew that getting some points was better than none at all. He had no way of knowing that all the messages I received were fake to make it look like I had other alternatives. With his back stuck against the wall, he had no choice but to accept the deal.

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