Volume 1: Chapter 5.1 - The Calm Before the Storm

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Today was the start of my third week at school. I decided it was finally time to reveal the details about the S-System to the class. I quickly walked to the front of the room and got everyone's attention.

"Listen up. You morons are gonna start paying attention during class like the good little children you are. Also, you're forbidden to use your phones during lessons for the rest of the month," I said condescendingly.

"Hey! Come on, you can't just decide that," one student complained.

"What do you mean? Why should we stop when the teachers let us do whatever we want during class?" another student asked.

"Man, you guys are a disappointing bunch. What kind of a prestigious institution would let its students talk and use their phones in class? Do you all seriously think you can get away with what you're doing?" I questioned.

The class looked at each other, unsure. However, a few students did start to realize the situation was unusual.

"Well, you certainly have a point, Ryuuen-san. I did find it odd that the teachers have been so nonchalant about our behavior. Are you saying there's a hidden punishment for misbehaving in class?" Sonoda inquired.

"Of course. To be honest, I'm disappointed in you, Sonoda. I expected you to be one of the first people to notice, yet you sat there at the very back twiddling your thumbs and being a show-off for the teacher. How deplorable."

"Hey! Don't insult Sonoda-kun like that. He's a good student, unlike you who daydreams half the time. I guarantee he's smarter than you!"

"Hilarious," I chortled. "The fact that you seriously think that is hysterical. Man, I haven't heard such a funny joke in a long time."

"It's not a joke! Of course Sonoda-kun is better at academics and sports than you!" claimed another girl.

"Academics? Pathetic. I swear if I hear that word one more time, I'm gonna pull my ears off. This school in particular rewards those who can think, observe and internalize information more than the simpletons who are only good at studying," I drawled.

"What do you mean by that, Ryuuen-san?" Sonoda asked.

"It's simple. You have all the information you need to connect the dots, yet you can't do so. You only view things at the surface level, never bothering to think about the events happening around you."

"What did you just say?" Ibuki, who appeared indifferent, suddenly shot me a glare from her desk.

"Oh? Finally decided to join us, Ibuki? You know, I haven't really seen you hangin' around with your classmates all that much. Wanna head to my room later? I'll replace that little scowl on your face," I teased.

Ibuki didn't respond and simply twisted her face in disgust as she looked away.

"What exactly is your point, Ryuuen-shi?" Kaneda asked.

"First things first. I hope at least some of you were suspicious of that 100,000 yen this school gave us out of the blue. Did you all seriously think you would get such an absurd amount every month by doing nothing but goofing off in class? It's like you all forgot that you're in a goddamn school, not living in a fairy tale," I scoffed.

"Well, that is true..." a student murmured out loud.

"Are you saying there's a catch, Ryuuen-san?" Ishizaki asked.

"Of course. The 100,000 yen we received is by no means guaranteed. You can think of it as your monthly allowance. Talking or using your phones during class decreases this allowance and is reflected in the amount of points you receive next month."

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