Volume 1: Chapter 9.1 - Unexpected Developments

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It was ten minutes before the start of the midterm. All 39 students of Class B were sitting at their desks, anxiously waiting for me to speak.

"So, you all actually arrived on time. Consider me surprised." I swept my gaze across the classroom, looking for anything unnatural.

"Why did you tell all of us to come so early, Ryuuen-san?" Ishizaki asked.

"This is just a precautionary measure. If something unexpected were to happen, then we need to be prepared to take drastic measures."

Everyone exchanged nervous glances, unsure of the meaning behind my words.

"Take out a writing utensil and leave it on your desk. After you're done, bring your bags to the front and drop them next to the teacher's podium."

Although everyone looked confused, my classmates did as they were told. Soon, a large pile of bags were formed on the far left side of the room.

"Now, check your pockets and make sure there's nothing inside of them," I continued.

"What?" A couple of students couldn't help but blurt out loud.

"You heard what I said. If you find anything inside your pockets, throw it out. It would be rather pitiful if someone here were to get caught cheating on this exam, wouldn't it?"

"You seriously think someone in here would cheat?" Ibuki snorted.

"With a class filled with dumbasses like this one, I'd say there's a chance. It wouldn't be shocking if someone decides to take the easy way out, don't you think?"

If anyone here tried to hide something from me, then I would be able to tell. However, nothing seemed out of the ordinary when I surveyed my classmates' actions. It looked like there was nothing to worry about.

Right at that moment, Sakagami strode into the classroom. He took a quick glance at the bags located at the front of the room but otherwise made no comment.

"It looks like everyone is present. I'll start handing out the exams now."

Sakagami promptly handed out the test papers, looping through each row one by one.

"I should also tell you that besides this midterm, you will also have a final exam in July, which will have the same rules and format as this exam. If everyone passes both tests, then the entire class will be rewarded with a vacation during your summer break."

"A vacation? Are you serious, Sakagami-sensei?" Komiya cried out loud.

"That's right. A two-week cruise on a luxury liner surrounded by the blue sea. You'll even make a stop on a private island to relax. It's like a dream vacation, isn't it?

Yeah, right. Dream vacation my ass.

"Woohoo! This school's the best, man!" Ishizaki shouted with delight.

Nobody else found this oddly generous "vacation" offered by the school suspicious whatsoever. Well, everyone except for Shiina, who gave me an inquiring look. I suppose she also harbored the same doubts that I did.

I would've expected the other four tutors to be cautious as well, but they were chatting happily with their classmates. They were probably just pretending to be excited so they didn't bring down the mood.

When the bell rang, Sakagami signaled for us to start. I turned over the exam and looked at the questions with disinterest.

"Hah!" I looked up and heard Ishizaki squealing in delight.

"What is it, Ishizaki? Is there a problem?" Sakagami asked.

"Oh, it's nothing, sensei. I'm just excited for the vacation, that's all."

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