Volume 1: Chapter 2.2 - Exploration and Exploitation

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After classes ended for the day, I immediately went over to Keyaki Mall and got a couple sheets of paper, a pair of binoculars, and a bottle of spray paint. It was time to do a little exploring and experimenting, with a tiny bit of vandalization on the side.

I made my way over to the special building to start the process of documenting the locations of all the security cameras on campus. Today was the perfect day to snoop around this place undetected. The special building is mostly used for club activities, and all of the representatives are busy preparing for the club fair happening shortly. As a result, there were no after school meetings today; I pretty much had the entire building to myself.

The first thing I noticed was that the air conditioning was turned off, and it was extremely stuffy and hot. Would it have killed the school to keep it on for a bit? I suppose the AC functions as normal during school hours and in the classrooms, but they turn it off when the building's not in use.

I noticed that the first floor had a security camera at the far end of the building. It swerved back and forth, its lenses covering the entire length of the long hallway. There was nothing obstructing its view, so any incident that happened would be recorded from start to finish.

The first two floors housed all the general equipment for most of the clubs. There was nothing extraordinary present, so I quickly noted down the locations of the cameras and continued my way upward.

However, the third floor was a little different. The large camera hanging from the ceiling that should've been present at the end of the hallway was nowhere to be seen. Instead, in its place were a couple of empty electrical outlets.

I wondered why it was only this floor that didn't have a security camera? I looked around and realized that this floor had no classrooms. Only the bathrooms and a couple of storage closets for staff members were present. Perhaps the school didn't feel a need to set up a camera here because hardly anybody would use this floor besides the workers.

The absence of a security camera, combined with the excessive heat, would make for a perfect place to stage an ambush. I made a mental note of this location and continued on.

The upper two floors housed all the special classrooms. I saw the home economics room, the chemistry lab, and the AV room, among many others. Although the doors to the rooms were locked, I could see two or three cameras from the outside. The cameras weren't hidden this time, which I suppose made sense seeing that only a handful of students used this area.

I went to the blind spot of the camera, right outside its viewing range, and used my binoculars to inspect it closely. The cameras were clearly top-notch and vandalism-proof. It had a strong polycarbonate lens and a tough steel body. I imagined all the other cameras were similar to this one.

Satisfied with my investigation, I made my way back to the school building and started the documentation process once again. From what I could tell, the hallways on the first, second, and third-year floors didn't have any cameras. I supposed the school thought there was no need to install any cameras since these areas are fairly crowded most of the time.

As I went to the faculty floor, though, I found a couple of inconspicuously placed cameras near the corners of the hallway. There was a faculty office for the four homeroom teachers on the first three floors, as well as a guidance room. The fourth floor, however, held the student council office. There were also many rooms for administrative purposes. Given the general lack of students and the presence of school officials, I suppose it was reasonable to install hallway cameras on this floor alone.

The final stop to visit in the school building was the rooftop. There was only one camera that covered the entire space, and it was located just above the door. I finally found a camera that wasn't really high up or glued to the ceiling. Seizing this opportunity, I grabbed my spray paint and decorated the lenses with a couple of gang signs.

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