Volume 1: Chapter 7.4 - The Merciless Siege(Demoralization)

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When I arrived at school the next day, a lot of my classmates looked at me with bewildered expressions. Obviously, this was due to my face being covered in bruises and bandages, as well as my slightly deformed nose.

No one was brave enough to actually come up and ask the question on everyone's minds.

"Ryuuen-kun! Are you alright? What happened?"

I turned around, annoyed. However, the person who spoke was none other than Shiina Hiyori, a diligent and well-behaved student who didn't really interact with her classmates.

To be honest, I was a little surprised. During breaks, she spent most of her time alone reading her books. She didn't seem to care too much about what was going on around her.

However, she really did look concerned for my well-being. I couldn't detect any lies behind her unassuming statement. 

"Don't worry about it. I just got into a little fight, that's all."

"A fight? I suppose that makes sense, but...what even happened for you to get injured that badly? Was this related to our little dispute with Class C, by any chance?" Sonoda asked.

"None of your business. I had to take care of a little pest, and things got physical. I'm not gonna go into the details."

"Why? Aren't acts of violence frowned upon in this school? If you report that person to the authorities, it could result in their class getting punished, no?" Kaneda commented.

"I already told the school what happened, and everything's been resolved. That's all you need to know regarding this topic. Now shut up and don't pester me. I've got more important shit to think about."

A lot of people exchanged glances, but like before, no one dared to complain or argue back. 

Sakagami soon arrived, and we started the arduous and worthless endeavor known as education. Maybe it'll be worth it to get in a fight again just so I could have an excuse to skip class.

When lunchtime finally came around, I gestured for the usual five people to accompany me to Class C's room.

I swung open the door. I expected the place to be mostly empty, but I was shocked to see that all 39 students were still in their seats, with Ichinose standing at the podium.

I see. Ichinose must be planning on telling her class about the contract. I thought she would've waited until classes were over, but I guess starving her peers to death was fine in her book.

"Wow. Looks like the gang's all here. Kinda feels like déjà vu, doesn't it?"

Ichinose didn't appear to be doing so well. She was obviously worried about the consequences of mentioning the events that transpired yesterday. As soon as she saw me, her half smile vanished and her lips formed into a slight frown.

"Ryuuen-kun, why are you here? I was about to announce something important. You do realize that what you requested doesn't apply until next month, right?

"What the hell are you talking about, Ichinose? I don't remember requesting anything."

"Please don't play dumb with me, Ryuuen-kun. You know what I'm talking about."

"Actually, I don't. Hey, this is perfect timing. Based on your classmates' expressions, they don't get what you mean, either. Start explaining so we can understand. Just pretend I'm not here."

"Ryuuen. Leave. No one wants you here." Kanzaki gritted his teeth and articulated every syllable in his order with venom.

"Kukuku. Quite inhospitable, are we? I think it's time you and I stop acting so hostile towards each other, Kanzaki. What do you say to the two of us becoming friends? This could be the start of a budding new relationship, y'know?"

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