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*Pete's POV*

"Oh! I didn't even introduce myself! I'm Patrick," the cute man says, turning red again with embarrassment. I giggle at his adorable awkwardness before reaching out to shake his hand.

"Hi, Patrick! I'm Pete!" I say kindly.

He smiles widely with squinting eyes, putting a smile on my face, too. I don't know what it is about him, but I became attracted to him the instant I laid my eyes on him. Was it his sparkling bluish-green eyes? His bright, loving smile? His cute personality? I don't know, but something is causing me to fall for him.

"Pete! Pete? Earth to Pete!" My daydream comes to a grinding halt once I hear Patrick's angelic voice shouting my name.

"Are you okay, Pete?" he asks genuinely, causing me to blush this time.

"Yeah! I'm fine! I'm great! I'm perfect, actually!"

Patrick is now the one giggling at my awkwardness, but I don't care. I'd do anything to see him smile. The smile radiating from that little guy is the cutest thing in the world.

I avoid getting lost in another Patrick daze by asking him, "So, what brings you here?"

He pauses before answering, "Oh, uh, I just needed a drink." He laughs nervously, but I don't question it.

"Well I think you've had more than one drink," I tease. Patrick reddens. I can't help but smile. Seriously, what is it about him?

"Yeah, what is a guy as attractive as you doing here?" he questions, instantly blushing, probably regretting what he just asked. I let out an unnecessarily loud roar of laughter. He couldn't get any more adorable if he tried.

I turn back to look at Patrick. My smile fades when I realize he's on the verge of tears. "Hey, I'm sorry. There was nothing wrong with what you said! I'm flattered!" I assure him.

"Actually, my goal tonight was to buy a drink for a cute guy," I say almost sarcastically, but meaningfully. "...maybe even get his number..." I mumble, nearly too quietly for Patrick to hear.

His kissable lips curl into a sweet smile, causing him to look even happier than he already was. I didn't think that was even possible.

I stand up from my barstool and run a hand through my hair. Patrick looks at me with wide, sad eyes, probably thinking I'm leaving. "Come with me," I say invitingly as I reach out my hand for him to grab. He looks like an excited toddler as he instantly grabs my extended hand, squeezing tightly.

I don't know where we're going, but I don't care, I just want to spend time with Patrick. Alone.

Our hands stay locked during our entire walk. I love how his small hand fits perfectly in mine. His palms are slightly clammy, but I figure he's just nervous.

We go on talking until the sun has fully set. Now, the street lights are the only shine to guide our way.

I don't know how late it is, nor do I care. I'd be fine spending the rest of my life with this sweet man. I shame myself for thinking like that so soon. I've only known Patrick for a day, but I'm falling for him hard.

He's still giggling up a storm after all those drinks, but I silence him by pushing him up against the side of the nearest building. "Patrick, I like you! A lot!" I needed to get that off my chest.

I stare down at the face of the slightly smaller man, our lips only inches apart. He's breathing heavily against me.

Patrick looks up at me, fully red in the face before smiling widely. "I-I li-like you, too, Pete!" he stutters nervously. I don't pay much attention as to why he said it so oddly, but it's what I wanted to hear from him.

I cup his face in my hands, pulling our faces even closer. We can feel each other's hot breaths. I press myself against Patrick, feeling the rapid heartbeat in his chest.

I figured I would be the first to make a move, but surprisingly, Patrick is. He runs a hand through my hair before moving it to the back of my head, forcing my lips to his. I kiss him in a way I've never kissed anyone before. His lips are so soft and delicious. Neither of us want to be the first to pull away, so the kiss continues longer than I expected it to.

I can feel Patrick's teeth against my own as I nibble gently on his lip. He opens his mouth slightly, letting out a quiet moan. When he does, I allow my tongue into his mouth, french kissing him passionately. I let my tongue explore his mouth for a moment, causing him to moan again. My hands run up and down the sides of Patrick's body before I realize how caught up in the kiss I am. I regrettably pull my lips away from his. It was beginning to get steamy and I was getting turned on, but I couldn't help myself. Nobody has ever given me the urge to kiss them in such a way I just did with Patrick.

I smile down at the smaller man who is out of breath and in shock. I smile, breathing heavily as well. I kiss him once more on the cheek before pulling my body off of his.

My face flushes from bashfulness, knowing I probably shouldn't have let that kiss get so far. Our mouths practically just had sex.

"Wow! That was amazing!" Patrick beams with an intense amount of happiness. He stands on his tiptoes and kisses me quickly on the cheek, thanking me. Then he takes my hand back in his and presses his head to my shoulder as we walk back to the bar where our vehicles are parked.

I offer to drive Patrick home, but he declines, assuring me that he'll be fine. As much as I don't want him driving, I know he's not going to take 'no' for an answer.

"So...Patrick?" I ask, stopping him before he leaves me.

"Yeah, Pete?"

"Do...uh, you think I could, um, maybe get your number?" I stammer awkwardly.

He walks back up to me, taking my phone from my grasp and entering his name and digits. Once he finishes, he hands it back, but before he can turn around and leave, I pull him into another kiss.

"Bye, Patrick!"

"Bye, Pete!"

"Hey, uh, maybe we could do that again sometime soon?"

"Yeah! I'd like that!"

He turns around and walks away. And just like that, I'm alone once again.

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