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*Patrick's POV*

I arrive home late tonight. It's past midnight and Allie is still awake, awaiting my arrival. I'm back later than I told her I would be. She's going to suspect something.

I slowly walk through the front door, trying to hide the fact that I'm a bit tipsy. "H-hey baby!"

"Don't 'hey baby' me! Where the hell have you been? It's almost one in the fucking morning! You told me you'd be home by 10!" Allie screams at me furiously.

"I told you, I was working. The project took a little longer than expected. I'm sorry!" Again, the lies come pouring out. It's about time I just tell her the truth. Well, not just yet. I still have no idea how to break the news to her.

Before I know it, Allie leans in, expecting a kiss from me. I scrunch my nose before doing what I know I have to do.

"You fucking asshole! You lied to me!" she yells. I know she could taste the alcohol on my lips and I feel bad, realizing the amount of pain I've caused her and how much I'm still going to cause. I wince in disgust because I truly have been an asshole to her and I can't help but feel bad about it.

My head sinks because of the disappointment I feel in myself. "I stopped and had a few drinks at the bar. I really am sorry," I admit before slinking away to the bedroom to change into my pajamas and brush my teeth.

Once I'm done, Allie is already in bed waiting for me. I crawl in next to her, hoping she's still a little angry at me so she doesn't want to do anything sexual. Of course, though, I am wrong for thinking she doesn't want to. She curls up close, resting a hand on my chest and running the other through my hair before placing a kiss on my cheek.

Allie climbs on top of me to kiss me. I close my eyes and allow her lips to come in contact with mine, but the whole time imagining that I'm kissing Pete instead. She's not as good of a kisser as him, though. I'd rather be kissing Pete right now.

"Patrick, I'm sorry about yelling at you earlier. I've been over protective, but that's because I love you so much and I will never stop loving you, no matter what!" Allie explains in between kisses. I want to push her off of me right now, but I know I can't. Not after she just poured out her heart to me. If only she knew how much she's going to hate me once I tell her the truth.

Allie doesn't suspect anything about my hesitation to continue kissing her. She moves on to my neck, making my heart race. I can't allow her to leave behind love bites. Pete doesn't know I have a wife, and I wouldn't want him to find out that way.

"Allie, babe, please stop," I say nervously.

"Excuse me?" she asks before continuing to suck on my neck, attempting to lift my shirt over my head.

"Allie, I'm serious! I've had a long day and I'm exhausted. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to do this right now. It's late and I'm ready to sleep. I'm really sorry, babe," I say while gently pushing her so she knows to get off of me. She takes the hint and angrily rolls over to the opposite side of the bed.

"Allie I-"

"No, Patrick, I don't care. I don't want to hear any more stupid excuses! You've been acting different lately, not like yourself, and I don't like it!"

"Allie, you don't understand!" I try to explain.

"Whatever, I don't want to hear it!"

We're silent for a moment and I can hear her quietly begin to sniffle, probably trying to hold back tears. That was one of the reasons I had loved her so much. She was so strong and never wanted me to see her upset.

I wipe away a few of my own tears, sad about how much I'm hurting Allie. I'm going to break her heart and it makes me feel like a terrible person.

As little as I want to, I try comforting her. I feel bad about what I'm doing to her; I'm a cheat. I'd hate me if I were her.

"Allie, I'm sorry!" I say genuinely before quickly giving her a peck on the cheek.

"Goodnight, Patrick."


I wake up in the morning expecting to see Allie beside me, but she's nowhere in sight. I pull the covers back, crawl out of bed and go to the bathroom. Once I finish washing my face, I grab my phone off the bedside table. There are several notifications, but one that catches my attention.

Unknown number (1)

I tap it out of curiosity, wondering who's texting me.

Hey, it's Pete :-) I miss you...wanna hang out later?

I smile widely at his text, almost forgetting that I gave him my number last night. It's all a bit of a blur, but I remember having a great time with Pete. And that kiss, I could never forget that kiss. I daydream about him for a while longer before deciding to reply.

I'd love to! Where? What time?

My text sounds a little demanding once I've read it over, but I don't care. I'm so excited to see Pete again. I know I just saw him last night, but I'm already missing him like crazy. Is it too soon for me to be falling in love with him?

Meet me at the bar @ 7 :-)

Sounds good! See you then!

I'm jumping up and down, unable to contain my excitement. I have a date tonight with Pete!

Once I settle down, I remember that this morning I was going to tell Allie about my "situation", but I don't know where she is. I shrug it off, but feel my gut wrench in anxiety. Whatever this is, it doesn't feel right. It's so wrong...

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