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*Allie's POV*

"Patrick, you can't leave me!"

"Why not?"

"I'm pregnant."

I'm not actually pregnant, I just need Patrick to believe that I am so he doesn't leave me. I love him like crazy, so I'm going to do anything and everything it takes to make sure he stays mine. Only mine.

"What?!" he nearly screams.

"Yeah! We're having a baby! Isn't that exciting?" I stand up, jumping up and down with over-the-top happiness, knowing my plan is going to work. "You would break my heart if you left me alone to be a single mommy," I say with pouty lips before wrapping my arms around Patrick who is speechless.

"What's wrong, Patty? Aren't you just ecstatic to be a daddy?"

"You know I don't like to be called that!" he says angrily, not answering my question and crossing his arms over his chest.

I cup his cheek in my hand and say, "Aw babe, are you nervous? Because that's totally okay if you are! I completely understand!"

"No, Allie, I'm not nervous. It's just a lot to take in right now!" he chokes.

"Oh, uh, okay," I say as I get off the couch to leave him alone while my news finishes sinking in. I begin to walk away, but he grasps my wrist before I can go anywhere.

"Allie, stop! I need to ask you something," he says confidently. I frown. My hands become clammy with sweat as I worry that he knows I'm lying.

"Okay, what's your question?" I ask, trying to hide my nerves.

"So, uh, how long did you know that you're pregnant?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"Well, I mean, we haven't had sex in a while and-" he pauses, scratching the back of his head nervously, "and I'm guessing you're a couple weeks in."

He stops, but I still don't understand the point he's trying to make, "Okay, so?"

"So, why did you wait until today to tell me? Why did you wait until I told you that I'm gay? Why did you wait until I told you I want a divorce to tell me that you're pregnant?" he questions bitterly.

I take a deep breath and think of an intelligent answer before saying, "Well, we haven't been communicating for over a week, and that's when I found out. I wanted to wait until an appropriate time to tell you. I wasn't going to wait until after we're divorced to tell you I'm pregnant with your baby!" I state without giving away any hint that I'm lying.

Patrick nods, convinced by my great lie. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense. I'm sorry for being so skeptical. It's just hard to take all of that in after what I told you."

I place my hand on his and smile genuinely. "I understand. I probably would have asked the same thing if I were you. I'm sorry, I just didn't know when else I could tell you," I say kindly before kissing him on the cheek.

He nods acceptingly and I run my fingers through his plush hair. I climb on top of him, my knees on each side of his hips as I wrap my arms around his neck. My lips gently graze his neck and I hesitate to make sure he's allowing. I grin when he doesn't attempt to push me away and I begin to suck lightly on his neck. My lips make their way up to his jawline and then landing roughly on his lips. I'm surprised when he kisses me back. The taste of his soft lips is something I've been in desperate need of for a long time.

I press my tongue against his lips, asking for entrance. Patrick opens his mouth and we begin to passionately French kiss. My fingers run up and down his chest as I moan into his mouth. Without thinking, I start to grind against him as I attempt to pull his shirt over his head.

Patrick pulls away and abruptly stands up, causing me to fall off his lap. "Um, I gotta go," he says nervously.

I follow him to the door and ask, "Where are you going?"

"I-I just need some, uh, f-fresh air," he stutters, but I decide not to question it.

"Okay, baby! I love you! Hurry back, please!" I say and quickly kiss him on the cheek. Patrick looks at me with a fake smile and leaves without another word.


Author's Note:

Sorry for a short chapter, but I think it was necessary for me to add this part from Allie's POV. I hope you guys liked it!

Thanks for reading!

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