Chapter 2

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My new school seems awesome. I'm part of a gang, which is not something new for me, and Mina has told me most of the things I need to know. If I get in trouble, I say that the school's name itself is Fierce, I go for the 'bad boys' and so on. It sounds easy. Well, until I met that bitch. The tall, green eyed brunette/goldie that dared mess with me.

I was heading to homeroom when I spotted Momo. She was my cousin's best friend and I met her once when Mina brought her to Japan for summer vacation. She is pretty, has brown eyes and black hair with bangs and she is a good girl. I've understood that she wants to look bad and savage but I've seen her sweet and cute side. It's way better.

"Hey, Momo!"

She turned to me and her cold look disappeared. Told you so.

"Hey Sana. Is something wrong?"

"No, I just wanted to ask... Who was that bitch from earlier?"

She opened her mouth in an O shape. "Oh, yeah, that's Chou Tzuyu."

I scoffed as we walked together. "Tsk, she's annoying."

"Yeah, I know. Both her and her friends. She's popular though, I heard Jungkook from V's has a crush on her."

"He must have really bad taste." I mumbled and she chuckled.

"Yeah, definitely. Did I see you put your books in the locker next to hers?"

"Shit yeah, that's my locker. I can't believe it."

"Watch out, whoever's been there hasn't-"

"Stayed for more than three weeks, yeah I know. She told me." I rolled my eyes. She shrugged.

"You could always leave."

"And give her the satisfaction of thinking she made me leave? No way." I scoffed.

"Yeah, you're probably right. Wow, this is going to be a great year."


"Well, first of all because you came and second because Tzuyu is going to have competition again."


"Uh-huh, two years ago, when she started becoming popular, this girl, Wendy came to the school and they had quite the biff. Wendy left that year and Tzuyu got her popularity." she said as we found our homeroom class, meaning the class we would do our basic lessons in and the kids we will be with in subjects like Math, English, English Literature, History, Biology and Chemistry. Momo and I found two seats at the back and sat there. We were just two rows further from the last row.

"And who are her friends?" I asked when I remembered three girls standing behind her in the cafeteria.

"Her closest are Son Chaeyoung, Kim Dahyun and Yoo Jeongyeon. She also has a brother. A twin."

"Really? And he's not part of the gang?"

"No, her brother, Mingyu, doesn't do these kind of things. Tzuyu is like the black sheep of the family. Plus, her brother focuses on grades more. She's really handsome and cute. Unlike Tzuyu."

"Yeah, I haven't met him but she's definitely prettier than that bitch." I scoffed. Momo nodded negatively.

"No, I meant for the cute part. Tzuyu is really pretty, whether you like it or nor, you can't deny it. But she's a bitch to everyone except her friends and her brother and this girl Alicia."

I raised my eyebrows. "Are they like... a thing?"

She laughed. "No, no, I think Mingyu likes Alicia but she doesn't know. Mingyu got in trouble once for beating up some guys who called Alicia a nerd."

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