Chapter 10

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I love her. That's the only possible explanation I can give for what happens to me around her. I thought it was impossible. It should be impossible. But I can't deny it. Not any more. Whenever she's around, I feel like staring at her beautiful face forever. I feel like holding her hand, I feel like hugging her, I feel like kissing her. To me, it's as if the entire world is falling apart and there's just me and her in the room. The people disappear, everything happens in slow motion.

And then, my brother appears. My twin brother who's younger for two minutes, who has had his heart broken twice already and just found someone to like who seems to like him back. I'm not sure about that, but Sana seems to be okay around Mingyu. I somehow manage to get my heart broken everytime I see them together, everytime my brother gives me another note for Sana, everytime I see him holding her hand and she just lets him.

I need to stop this. I need to stop feeling whatever it is I feel for her. My brother got her first, I can't just go for her. It's siblings code. I should stop liking her, loving her, I don't know. I know that I shouldn't have fallen. If I stop now, there might even be enough time for the feeling to die out. To fade. To stop existing.


After my injury, I only stayed home for a week. I didn't intend on just sitting on the couch or on my bed and doing nothing. Even one week was too much for me.

I knew who threw the ball at me. I knew who was the reason why I couldn't play volleyball or even run for six months. I just didn't know why they threw it. They had no clear reason to do so. I never did anything to that person.

"Hey! Tzuyu!"

I turned around and saw Mingyu. "What now?"

"Woah, don't be mad. I just want you to give this to you-know-who."

Great. Thanks for making my day Mingyu.

"Okay, okay."

"Thanks sis!" he patted my back and went to Vernon who was waiting for him a few meters ahead.

Hello again Sana : )

Meet me today at the parking lot. I have a surprise for you. And tell Tzuyu to come too.

"If I know what love is, it is because of you."

Cheesy. Too cheesy.

"You know it’s love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if you’re not part of their happiness."

It just came to my mind and I just wrote it. It felt so relatable to me, I didn't even bother thinking twice.

"Hey Tzu. God, what's wrong with you? Is it your knee?" Dahyun exclaimed as she sat down beside me and saw me almost sleeping.

"Long story." I muttered, feeling like my eyes were closing slowly.

"Morning class! Today we'll be doing another lab experiment and you will be paired in the same way as before." Mr. Wang said. "Except for Ms. Chou and Ms. Minatozaki, you'll be doing the experiment on your own."

Wait, what? "Uhm, why?" I asked.

"Because I say so. And, Ms. Minatozaki, if you don't mind, I'd like to have a word with you when you finish the-"

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