Chapter 8

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"Sana? Is it true?"

"Is what true?"

"That you're dating Tzuyu's brother!" Momo exclaimed, hitting on the desk. We were sitting in class, waiting for the professor to come. A few days after I went out with Mingyu, but I hadn't told anyone.

"How- What?"

"Aren't you dating him?"

"Uh, no. We just went out once! And how do you know? I haven't told anyone!"

"Really? I heard some students whispering about it." Momo shrugged and went back to scribbling on her notebook.

"You're drawing jokbal now?"

"I'm hungry!" she pouted and I just laughed at her. Suddenly, something landed in front of me, coming from over my head. I looked behind and saw Tzuyu, looking out the window, earphones on her ears. She looked at me with a cold look. I showed her the paper with a questioning look.

"It has your name on it, doesn't it?" she answered bluntly. I looked back at the paper and saw my name written on top of it. I recognized the handwriting to be the same as the first paper, Mingyu's.

Hey Sana,

I hope we can meet again today at lunch break. Just ask Tzuyu and she'll help you ; )

"The best thing to hold onto in life is each other."

Nice one. I noticed that there were again some scribbles over the quote. I guess he's just indecisive.

"Ooh, another love note?" Momo nudged me.

"Yeah, yeah." I chuckled and handed it over to her.

"Woah, he really has a thing with words. You should tell him to do something poetry-related."

"Sure, that's the first thing I'm going to tell him when I see him." I said, smiling.

"And what with Tzuyu again? She's such a bitch. She beat up an eleventh grader this morning."

"What? Why?"

"I'm not sure, he said something offensive I think."

"Hey, uhm, Momo? Can we perhaps talk for a sec?"

We both turned around in surprise and saw Dahyun standing next to Momo. She was looking down at her feet and nervously playing with her fingers.

"She's adorable." I whispered to Momo who just told me to shut up. Momo flashed a quick but genuine smile at Dahyun.

"Sure, why not? Isn't the professor coming though?"

"N-no, no! Uh, they told me he'll be late." Dahyun said, gulping loudly at the end. I knew she liked Momo. Even if I didn't, I would have realized it by now.

"Okay." Momo got up and clinged onto Dahyun's arm, making the latter blush and turn as red as a tomato. They left the classroom.

I looked back at Tzuyu who was sitting on her own. I had so many questions, but they required me and her alone. This was my chance. I got up and sat next to her. At first, she didn't understand I was there. She was still listening to music and looking out the window. I pulled one of her earphones and put it in my ear.

(In The Stars, Benson Boone)

And I'm still holding on
To everything that's dead and gone
I don't wanna say goodbye cause-

"What the hell are you doing?" Tzuyu exclaimed as she took the earphone off my ear and stopped the music.

"What are you, depressed?"

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