Chapter 11

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After classes were over, I headed towards the parking lot like Mingyu said in his note. Nayeon never showed up in lunch so I took the liberty to call her on my way there.


-Nayeon! Where were you during lunch?

-I was uhm.. finishing a project. Yeah, there was a pending project I had to finish and I stayed longer. Sorry for not telling you guys.

-Oh really? You had a project?

-Y-yeah, I did.

-We'll talk about this later, I'm going out with Mingyu.

-Have f-fun Sana!

I ended the call. Nayeon was not telling me the truth. She stuttered. Mina had told me that she does that when she's lying.

At the parking lot, I saw Mingyu's bike and him arguing with his sister. Great. I didn't approach immediately and just hid myself behind a large tree to listen to what they were bickering about.

"Mingyu, what are you even thinking?"

"C'mon Tzu, please! Just this once!"


"It's a great opportunity for you both to start becoming acquainted with each other!"

"What if I don't want to!?"

"Please?  I'll call one of your friends too!"

"That... sounds like an option."

I sighed and walked out of my hiding place. They didn't see me immediately fortunately, not until Mingyu waved his hand at me and jogged towards me. Tzuyu turned to us and our eyes met again. I smiled at her before Mingyu blocked my eyesight.

"Hi, I'm glad you came."

"Me too. Is everything okay?" I asked him as Tzuyu was now standing behind him, hands in the pockets of her leather jacket.

"Yeah, yeah, everything's fine."

"You said you have a surprise for me?"

Mingyu's face lit up. "I did. Tzuyu already knows about this so let's just cut to the chase. I was thinking..." he took my hand and then Tzuyu's "maybe the two of you could spend some time alone today. To get to know each other and get along!" he finished and intertwined our hands.

"Why?" I blurted out. Tzuyu nodded.

"Exactly my point. Thank you."

"You don't get it!"

"Obviously we don't." Tzuyu murmured.

"It's important to me that you two are okay with each other in case..."

"Yeah, yeah, we know lover boy." Tzuyu interrupted him, earning a slap on the shoulder. "But I'm sure both me and her have better things to do than spend the entire evening with each other."

I nodded in agreement. "Definitely."

"Well then, you can invite one friend of yours to come with!" Mingyu said, not giving up. "Please just do this. Only once. And I swear I won't try to get you to do anything together again unless you want it yourselves."

"Because there is no way we'll want it ourselves, I'll just say yes."

"Great! Sana? How about you?"

The fact that I could invite a friend made this offer much more inviting plus, I had nothing else to do for the evening. And since Tzuyu already said yes, it would seem kind of mean if I didn't agree. "Okay." I mumbled. Mingyu jumped excitedly like a five year old who just got candy from an old lady.

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