Chapter 7

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I got the note Tzuyu gave me. For a moment, I thought it was from her, but when I saw what was written in it, that possibility erased itself from my mind.

Hey Sana,

I hope you can meet me today after school at the parking lot. We can go for a drink or something.

"Thinking of you keeps me awake. Dreaming of you keeps me asleep. Being with you keeps me alive."

The last one really touched me. I saw some scribbles over it, meaning there was another quote too. Cute.

"What does it say?" Nayeon asked me as she sat down in front of me at our table and put her tray down. Lunch break started a few minutes ago and I decided to sit at our usual table and wait for the girls.


"The paper Sana! What does it say?"

"H-How do you know?" I hadn't told anyone except Momo who was there when I received it.

"Gossip spreads fast. Now tell me!"

"Gossip? So what, others know it too?"

"Well duh, you're popular Sana."

I'm super confused. "Why?"

"Because... Ugh, I'm not sure if I should tell you this."

I sighed. "Just spill it."

"Okay, you're supposed to be Tzuyu's new fling."


Many heads turned our way. They minded their own business after a while and continued talking.

"Someone said that Tzuyu is giving you love notes and that she doesn't provoke you as much as others."

"But the paper's not from Tzuyu!"

Nayeon looked at me confused as she shoved a french fry in her mouth. "Didn't she give it to you?"

"Yeah, but it's not from her. Someone asked her to give it to me."

"Ohh, okay. People only know that she gave it to you though. And what about the other part? It's true that she doesn't provoke you as much as others, you know." Nayeon mumbled and continued eating. Great. Just great. The one thing I needed now was a dating rumor. With Tzuyu.

"I'll just use the restroom." I got up and Nayeon held my wrist.

"What, you're leaving me alone?"

"Chill bunny, Momo's coming. She'll bring food."

"She always does."

I chuckled and headed to the restroom, the paper inside my clenched fist. While walking there, I bumped onto someone.

"Watch where you're going-"

"Watch out, will you-"

"You." Tzuyu and I both said. The students around us started whistling and oohing.

"They look good together."

"But no, Tzuyu's mine!"

Tzuyu laughed at the last one. She went to the kid who said it, ashorter girl with black hair and brown eyes. The girl gulped and made a step back.

"You're funny." Tzuyu told her. Then, she looked at the rest of the students. "Are you waiting for something in particular?"

"Kiss!" a voice echoed, making all the students giggle and turn their whole attention to us. Tzuyu smiled.

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