Chapter 3

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"You're an annoying bitch who thinks she owns the place and acts as if she is above anyone else."
That's what she said. I thought that changing schools was going to help me rebuild my reputation but news spread fast. It's like everyone knew about me but I had absolutely no idea who everyone else was. I don't know why I was so hurt by what she said. In another time, it would have been true and I wouldn't have cared at all, so why did I now?

Two weeks had passed ever since my first day at this hell of a school. Being with Mina and her friends was fun, making fun of the teacher was fun but watching Tzuyu get scolded, get detention almost every day and fight with at least two people a day was even funnier.

"Hey guys, did you see Dahyun today at school?" Momo asked. Me, her and Mina had gone to the mall to look at random stuff since we had no homework to do.

"Uhm, no and why do you care?" Mina asked with curiosity. Well, I have to admit, it was weird hearing that from someone like Momo. She scoffed.

"I d-don't care, I just asked because she usually walks around with Tzuyu all the time but I didn't see her, I only saw Chaeyoung."

"You stuttered." I pointed out.

"No I did not!"

"Ooh, defense mode on." Mina mumbled and we started teasing Momo who scoffed again and walked forward, leaving us to die of laughter in the middle of the mall.

"W-wait, Momo, come b-back!" I panted, trying to keep myself from laughing more. Momo rolled her eyes with a smile and stopped, waiting for me and Mina. We reached her and clung on her arms, me on her left and Mina on her right.

"So... Seriously now... Do you have like a thing for Dahyun?" I asked her without laughing.


"I hope not girl, she's such a bitch!" Mina interrupted Dahyun who chuckled.

"Well, she is no such bitch as Tzuyu." Momo added. I couldn't help but nod in agreement.

"Obviously, no one can reach that level of bitchiness, but she has gotten influenced since she hangs out with the queen."

We walked around for a few more minutes until we stopped at a McDonald's to grab something to eat.


"Hey, Tzuyu, what about this one?" Chaeyoung asked me as she took a dark blue dress and put it in front of her.

"Hmm, I don't think the color suits you. Maybe you should find something more reddish." I advised her and she put the dress back and started looking for something red. We were at the mall since we were bored and had nothing to do. Dahyun was sick which is why she hadn't attended school today. I had to handle English Literature, Math and Biology with Sana ALL ALONE.

"Oh, oh, this one!" she exclaimed and held a dress which faded from black to red. It was beautiful.

"Wow, I think this one will look great on you. Why don't you go try it?" I suggested. She looked at the dress and then her face lit down.

"I forgot, I don't have any money with me."

"It's okay, I can buy it for you."

"No, no, no way that's happening."

"C'mon, think of it as an early birthday gift!" I urged her. "Besides, I'm not telling you to buy it, I'm only telling you to try it on, see how it looks on you!". She sighed and walked in the dressing room with a smile.

After a few minutes, she came out, looking cute and gorgeous. She did a slow spin and returned to look at me.

"So? What do you think?"

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