Chapter 4

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Today I noticed that Sana's not at school. Which is not that bad actually because, ever since she came, Tzuyu has been competitive with her, like with Wendy, and she sometimes leaves us out. Sana must have really annoyed her. Unless... But no, that's not possible... Tzuyu has never fallen for anyone... And she would never fall for an enemy... Would she? Ugh, nevermind, that's Tzuyu's problem.

"Good evening class. Please open your Biology books on page 31." Mr. Wang said and we all did as he told us. On page 31 were certain images of worms and all sorts of disgusting bugs and their... insides?

"Ew, sir, what is this?" Momo exclaimed making everyone laugh. Yeah, obviously me too. I think I like Momo but I'm not sure. She's beautiful, I especially love her big eyes. I've also noticed that, when she's with her friends and doesn't know whether someone's watching, she's very kind and cute. I'm not saying I'm stalking her, I just saw her laughing with Mina like two years ago and it was so much different than when she's in front of other people.

"This, Ms. Hirai, is an introduction to the lab project we will be doing."

"We will be dissecting insects?" Tzuyu spat out, kind of rudely. She's always been like that, rude to people she doesn't know and trust, ever since her father died two years ago so I don't blame her.

"Yes Ms. Chou, I am going to split you up in pairs and we will go to the laboratory. So, let me start. Jackson and Daniel... Mingyu and Vernon... Dahyun and Momo..."

I snapped my neck up from my book, eyes fixed at the professor who just continued calling out names. Momo looked back at me and so did I.

"Hey, tell him to change." Tzuyu nudged me from her seat. I thought about it too for a while but Momo might feel hurt if I did so. I wouldn't tell that to Tzuyu though.

"Let's just wait till he's done with the pairs. We'll see who's with you and maybe Momo will also want to change." I whispered and she nodded and sat back at her chair.

"And finally.... Felix and Hyunjin. There's one left though, isn't there? Chou!"

Tzuyu jumped in her seat and looked around until she met the professor's eyes.


"Who's your pair?"

"I don't think I have one."

Mr. Wang put his finger on his chin, as if je was thinking. "Hmm, but I remember we are exactly twenty two students. Is anyone-"

The door burst open, revealing a Japanese girl with brown hair, panting.

"I'm... sorry... for... being... late. I just... missed... the bus." she panted and I noticed a shocked look on Tzuyu's face, a happy one on Momo's and a grin on Mr. Wang's lips.

"Then, I guess I was right. Sana, you'll be paired with Tzuyu for our lab experiment."


No. Fucking. Way. I looked at Dahyun next to me who was as shocked as me. She was probably happy though, she got to be paired with Momo and she likes Momo. I mouthed at her.

"Change with me."

"Sir, can I be paired with Momo?" Sana suddenly said when she sat down next to her friend.

"Why would you do that? Nobody else has requested a change if you have noticed." Mr. Wang replied.

"No, but, I agree sir. I can be paired with Dahyun and Sana can go with Momo." I spoke from my seat, spinning my pen in my fingers. The whole class turned to me and started whispering.

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