Chapter 5

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I tried to forget the event with Sana last week but everytime I saw her, I got reminded of it. I have had a serious issue with bees and wasps ever since my dad died when he was stung by one. Everytime a bee or wasp approaches me or my friends, that's how I react. And out of all the people this could happen to, it happened to her. I can't believe I allowed myself to look vulnerable in front of that person. And I also have to see her alone tomorrow because Mr. Wang gave us both detention for skipping his class and we had been told to finish the project and dissect bugs. I would be more than happy to do that, but I would be happier if I did it alone.

"Tzuyu, your brother's coming." Chaeyoung told me and pointed at the entrance of the cafeteria. I saw a boy shorter than me with brown hair walking in but it took me a while to realize that someone was walking with Mingyu, a girl. No, no, no and again no.

I got up from the table and walked over to him, my pace fast.

"Tzuyu, please don't overreact!" I heard Dahyun say when I got up. I looked at my brother who was smiling. No, don't smile with that girl.

"Yeah? Okay thanks. See you later Sana!" Mingyu waved at Sana as the latter left, not before throwing what seemed like a disapproving look my way. I smirked at her and grabbed my brother's arm.

"Tzuyu? What's wrong?" he kept asking as I pulled him out of the cafeteria and out at the empty corridor.

"Why were you with Sana?" I asked when we were face to face.

"We're together in Physics. She's a really good girl, not like what people have been saying at all."

"No, you don't even know her. She is exactly what people have been saying."

"But Tzuyu-"

"Mingyu, trust me, she's in my homeroom. I know what she is and what she's not." I interrupted him, running my hand through my hair.

"Maybe she acts that way around you because you do the same!"

I didn't reply. Why would I act nice for her when she's such a bitch? When Mingyu saw I didn't speak, he talked again.

"Maybe, if you try being nice to her, you'll see her real self."

I scoffed. "So what, I have to be fake?"

Mingyu sighed and took my hands in his. "We both know this isn't the real you. You've been like this ever since dad died. And don't deny it, I've seen it. You used to be fun, happy and caring. I'm not saying that now you aren't, but you've let sadness and hate take over and you don't show."

"Hate? For who?"

"For yourself Tzuyu. You keep blaming yourself for what happened to dad, two years ago."

I know I blamed myself. It was my fault. If I hadn't told my dad to drive longer, the gas wouldn't have ran out. And if the gas hadn't ran out, we wouldn't need to stop at the gas station. And if we hadn't stopped at the gas station, he wouldn't have gotten stung. It's all my fault. And when he got stung, if I drove faster, I might have made it. There could have been a possibility that he lived.

"She insulted him." I said eventually. Mingyu surely knew what I was thinking, we've been here many times.

"Did she know?"

I nodded negatively.

"Then what were you expecting? She-"

"I've never said anything about her family so she has no right to talk about mine."

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