Chapter 12

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"Tzuyu? Are you going to eat this?"

I snapped out of my thoughts hearing Dahyun's voice. I looked at her then at my plate.

"Nah, I don't think so." I said and pushed it to her.

"You need to eat better you know. You didn't even finish half of it." Jeongyeon pointed out.

"I'm not going to eat a lot now that I can't even go jogging." I rolled my eyes and rested my head on my hand, elbow placed on the table. Jeongyeon, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and me had gone out to eat to relax before midterms next week.

"I thought the doctor told you that you can go running after four to five weeks."

"I could go after three weeks Chaeng, but my mom doesn't let me. I'll try next week."

"Okay... Now that we're done with Tzuyu..." Chaeyoung said and looked at Jeongyeon who raised her head. Some noodles were visible in her mouth as she looked at Chaeyoung confused. She used her chopsticks to shove them into her mouth.


"Remember the day you skipped lunch?"

Jeongyeon choked on her food and Dahyun started hitting her back, laughing. Chaeyoung and I just chuckled.

"Yeah, *cough*, what about that day?"

"I just wanted to ask where you were."

"Uhh... I had a... project I needed to finish... It was due that day and uh... I didn't know it so I had to stay during lunch to finish it." Jeongyeon gulped and reached for her glass of water.

"You did?"

"Uh-huh." she nodded. I looked at Dahyun and Chaeyoung knowingly. This time, Dahyun spoke.

"Nayeon didn't show up in lunch either."

Jeongyeon choked on her water this time, resulting to Dahyun patting her back again.

"And... should I... uh, care?" Jeongyeon asked with a cough as she tugged her whole glass of water, probably to prevent us from saying anything else. Because Chaeng and I were sure that something happened that day and the fact that Nayeon didn't join the 'divas' for lunch either made everything much more suspicious.

"You tell us." Chaeyoung said and crossed her arms in front of her chest. We all eyed Jeongyeon emphatically. She sighed.

"Okay, okay, Jesus. I'll tell you what happened. I kissed Nayeon."

Now, it was Chaeyoung's turn to choke.

"That was... straightforward." I commented while patting Chaeyoung's back.

"What do you mean you kissed Nayeon?"

"There was this guy who was perving over her so I told him I'm her girlfriend to make him leave. He didn't believe me so I kissed her. And then we kissed again."

"So the first time, it was an excuse and the second it was..."

"She sort of started it." Jeongyeon interrupted Dahyun.

I scoffed. "Really? Nayeon?"

"Well, at first she told me she hates me and stuff and then she said she liked the kiss and we kissed again."

Dahyun widened her eyes. "Wow, Yoo Jeongyeon! You landed Nayeon! Are you like, girlfriends now?"

"No. We haven't decided yet."

"Okay." Dahyun said and started laughing. Chaeyoung joined in too.

"What are they laughing at?"

"Let them be. Crazy people are not to be bothered when they act like... crazy people." I smiled at Dahyun and Chaeyoung who continued laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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