Chapter 6

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I have absolutely no idea what got over me that day. It's been three days and I still can't get her out of my mind. Her refreshing perfume (don't get me wrong, I just really like it when people smell good), her big brown eyes, her silk-like blonde hair. Close to her, I felt something I've never felt before.

I still can't believe Mr. Wang though. He has always had the habit of hitting on girls, I remember it when I was in eighth grade and he tried to get me to leave school with him, just like what he did with Sana. I had heard from many though that a girl he took home sued him and changed schools. When I saw him trying his trick on Sana, I got furious. I didn't really think when I got her out of there and drove her home. I just did it.

Someone knocked on my door, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Come in."

Mingyu opened the door and jumped on my bed, next to me.

"Jesus Min! What's wrong with you now?"


"Yeah, something's always wrong with you, but what is it now?" I chuckled as he sneered at me.

"I just wanted to ask how it went with Sana. You know, in detention."

I sighed. Of course and that's the first thing he'd ask me when he saw me.

"It was okay. Just us dissecting bugs. Disgusting."

"That's not what I mean! Did you tell her about dad?"

"Ugh, yes I told her."

He sat up excitedly. "And? What did she say?"

"She said sorry."

"That's it? And nothing happened afterwards?"

"Like what dude? What were you expecting to happen?"

"You know, some short of cute friendship moment."

"We're not friends Mingyu."

"So you're saying absolutely nothing happened when you finished the project? I don't believe you."

Why does my brother always have to push things so much?

"Maybe I don't want to tell you."

He exclaimed. "So something did happen!"

I smiled.

"Yes, yes, yes! So? What happened?"

"We almost... kissed?"

My brother's face went blank. "You- you what!?"

"We didn't kiss, we just started talking a bit about her parents and how they died last year when they were trapped in an elevator. She started crying and you know how I get uncomfortable around crying people. I tried to make her feel better and she said that her mom used to tell her that a kiss or a hug can make everyone feel better-"


"Shut up Mingyu! And, no, I didn't kiss her. I mean, I almost did. We sort of eskimo kissed actually. Then Wang came and he tried to, you know, 'drive her home' and I took her home instead. End of story." I finished and took a long breath in.

"Why would you do that?" he snapped.

"Why would I do what?"

"Kiss her. Why would you kiss her?"

"Wha- I told you, I didn't kiss her! It was an eskimo kiss! That doesn't count!"

"And then you drove her home? What the heck is wrong with you Tzuyu?"

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