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Many years later

"Yo, pass the ball!" my friend screams.

I didn't realize that the ball was even in my hands until another one of my friends slaps it out of my hold. I seemed to have forgotten I was on court. He dribbles it and shoots a three pointer.

"Let's go!" someone else yells.

I groan in frustration. "Shit, my bad." This was the fifth time today I lost a point.

The friend that screamed at me, Hyungwon, rushes to my side and slaps a hand on my shoulder. "What's been going on, man? You've been seeming lost in your mind lately." His cat-like eyes penetrate into my soul.

The friend that did the steal from me also jogs into the conversation. "We have a provincial tomorrow," Rikutaro points out. "You're our main offence and our team captain, we can't have you zoning out like this."

Heon chases after the ball and practices while we have our conversation. After shooting a two pointer, he holds it to his side to join us. "You wouldn't want coach to bench you on our biggest game, do you?"

The four of us have been practicing for the provincials ever since the high school basketball season started, preparing for the moment to win. "This feeling is only temporary. I found out something about our families yesterday when I visited my grandmother dinner last night."

"Ooh, what did you find out?" Hyungwon, being the nosey type he is, forgot about lecturing me. I am the team captain, but Hyungwon naturally expresses a lot of leadership for whatever reason.

"I found out that the company our dads work at used to be a mafia. They used to mafia members when they were young. They just don't want us to know to protect us or something."

Upon hearing this, Hyungwon bursts out laughing. "You think im going to believe that? My dad is tiny at 5'9 and is one of the cutest people alive. He's not cool enough to do that shit."

"My grandma showed me pictures!" I attempt to defend my case.

"I believe it," Rikutaro raises his hand up in agreement. "I can see my dad being in a mafia."

Heon raises an eyebrow at us, staring at us with disappointment. "You guys found out just now? Don't you talk to your parents?"

"You know?!" Hyungwon exclaims, realizing that there was a possibility I wasn't bluffing.

"Of course. I asked my dad what he did as a kid and he told me all about it. Apparently, our dads were trained since childhood to be murder weapons. Crazy, right?" Heon never spoke much, he was the mysterious type. But I couldn't believe he never brought this up with us!

"Why didn't you tell us?!" Rikutaro whines.

Heon shrugs, "I thought yall already knew."

Hyungwon crosses his arms, "Well, why isn't the company a mafia business anymore?"

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