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Taelyn's night was interrupted by the chilling tendrils of a nightmare, one that clawed its way into her consciousness with relentless fervor

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Taelyn's night was interrupted by the chilling tendrils of a nightmare, one that clawed its way into her consciousness with relentless fervor. In the darkness of her mind, her father loomed like a menacing shadow, his presence casting a pall of fear and dread over her.

In the nightmare, memories of her father's past misdeeds surged to the forefront of her mind, each one a stark reminder of his dark and troubled nature. He had never been a good husband or father, his actions leaving scars that ran deep within Taelyn's psyche.

She remembered clearly how he'd abuse her mother. Whenever he was drunk, oh, he would take out all his emotions on her. And to Taehyung, her father would constantly hurt him, and he excused it by claiming that was attempting to teach her brother how to "man up."

As the nightmare unfolded, Taelyn found herself trapped in a web of terror, her father's looming figure closing in on her with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. She tried to flee, to escape the suffocating grip of fear that threatened to consume her, but her father's presence was like an ever-present specter, haunting her every move.

Gasping for breath, Taelyn jolted awake, her heart pounding against her chest as she struggled to shake off the lingering tendrils of the nightmare. In the dim light, she clutched the covers tightly to her chest, seeking solace in the fragile embrace of sleep. But even as she closed her eyes, the echoes of her father's menacing presence lingered, a stark reminder of the darkness that lurked within her past.

With a dazed sense of disorientation, she realized that she had fallen asleep on Heeseung's couch, the remnants of her nightmare still clinging to the edges of her consciousness like tendrils of smoke.

As she sat up, a shiver ran down her spine, the memory of her father's menacing presence still fresh in her mind. She shook her head, trying to dispel the lingering unease that lingered in the wake of her nightmare.

Taking a deep breath, Taelyn pushed herself up, her movements slow and deliberate as she tried to shake off the remnants of sleep. Glancing around the room, she felt a sense of relief wash over her as she realized that she was safe in Heeseung's home, far removed from the darkness of her dreams.

Taelyn's surprise flickered across her features as she noticed Jake's presence beside her. It was as if his silent contemplation had rendered him almost invisible until that moment.

Was he here to babysit her again? "Where's Heeseung?" she inquired, her voice tinged with worry.

"He's still at the office, meeting with Bossman to figure out our next steps regarding the SM mafia situation." While he said these words, he was stiff and didn't look at her.

He was probably guarding her again. She was thankful, but she couldn't help but notice that there was something wrong with the usually bubbly Jake.

"Hey," Jake's voice was unusually subdued as he spoke, his gaze away from her and fixed on some distant point in the room. "I know we haven't talked much about our pasts, but I had a mean father too."

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