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As Heeseung and Taelyn drove home, the atmosphere inside the car was heavy with unspoken tension

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As Heeseung and Taelyn drove home, the atmosphere inside the car was heavy with unspoken tension. Taelyn glanced out the window, lost in her own thoughts, while Heeseung kept his eyes focused on the road ahead, his jaw clenched with worry.

After a while, Taelyn broke the silence. "I'm sorry about earlier. You know, your face."

Heeseung waved off her apology with a small smile. "Don't worry about it, princess," he said reassuringly. "Your mom was understandably upset. I just hope she'll come around eventually."

Taelyn sighed, her expression troubled. "I hate that you have to deal with all of this because of me," she admitted, her voice tinged with guilt. "I wish things were different."

Heeseung reached over and gently brushed a stray strand of hair from her face. "Hey, none of this is your fault," he said firmly, his eyes softening as he looked at her. "I chose to be with you, and I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat."

Taelyn smiled gratefully at him, feeling a rush of warmth at his words.

"Anyway, did she ask about us?"

Just then, Taelyn gets flashbacks of her mother asking if she and Heeseung fucked or if they got back together. Taelyn gulped before blatantly lying to him. "Nope."

Heeseung immediately sensed the lie, but he decided to not press on with uncomfortable questions.

Heeseung pulled into the driveway and parked the car, they exchanged a glance, feeling the weight of the day's events beginning to lift. However, as they stepped inside their home, they were met with an unexpected and unsettling sight.

Standing in the middle of their living room, her posture rigid and eyes cold, was Linh. The room seemed to grow colder as her menacing presence filled the space.

"I knew something was up when you weren't calling me up for our fun appointments," she grinned.

"Linh?" Heeseung's voice was a mix of confusion and wariness. "How did you get in?" His eyes answered his own question when he sees the spare keys hanging off her pocket.

Linh's lips curled into a bitter smile. She glanced at Taelyn, her gaze icy and full of contempt. "I see you've returned to her. You must be Taelyn, right? He talked about you a lot. Sometimes he'd accidentally call me your name when we fucked. It was much worse whenever he was drunk, though. It would actually piss me off."

Taelyn instinctively stepped closer to Heeseung, feeling a surge of protectiveness over him. "What do you want?" he asked.

"Just a couple weeks ago you begged me to pleasure you. You're a cheat, you know that. Right?" Linh's smile faded, replaced by a look of cold determination. "I want answers," she said flatly. "About why you left me behind for her when I was loyal to you."

Heeseung took a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure. Although it was only her in the house, he knew there was something else much worse. "Linh, this isn't the time or place for this conversation. You need to leave."

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