Chapter six: 2-on-2 battles !end!

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Chapter six

Everyone was left breath taken after the first team match, and the sheer damage left by Bakugo and Midoriya's battle left the building with a giant hole in one of it walls and the floor. Both twins where lightly exited by the pure strength their two classmates showed, though most of the battles after were only less exciting after the breath-taking match before them, it didn't make them any less interesting to watch. During some of the spare time between one of the matches Lumine brought to attention a problem that was being left at the moment.

"Big guy" Lumine comment staring up at the large blonde man in front of her, who was currently playing the role of teacher.

"Ah Ms. Tamaki... My name is All Might you know" All Might replied, looking down at the smaller sized individual.

"Not the point. You do know we have an odd number of teams right, so just wanted to know what your going to do about that" Lumine deadpanned, not taking care as to how blunt her words sounded.

"I actually do, I was just gonna have one team go a second time, by choosing it at random, like with the other teams" All Might laughed in response, making Lumine flinch at the strong gust that pushed against her. Taking in the response she left without saying anything, leaving All Might to amuse her with his confusion, as to where she had disappeared too. Next up was Team J (Villains ) and Team H (heroes). Sero immediately started covering the room with tape, making a type of field that limit the opponent's movements. Aether summoned his sword switching to his anemo element in order to assist his teammate in defence, and avoid damaging the tape around them. In the end through the two of them ended up losing to Tokoyami and Asui, mostly cause the tape didn't really limit their opponents as much as it did them, and they were outmatched in team work.

At this point all the Teams had already had their turns. The team that Lumine and Kirishima ended up going against was Koda and Sato, a little bit of an unlucky match up for Team F. Team K were the Villains and Team F were the Heros, in the end the Heroes ended up losing but Koda and Sato were able to pull off more coordinated attacks during their second chance-- but Lumines combat experience didn't make it easy for them to pull in a win.

"Good work everyone! We didn't have any major injuries, other than Young Midoriya, either! You guys took this on seriously. You guys all did a good job for you first training lesson!" All Might congratulated, giving a supportive thumbs up to the class with his usual wide smile.

"To have such a proper class after Mr. Aizawa's class... It's kind of anticlimactic..." Asui croaked; a mutual agreement being shared with her classmates.

"We're free to have proper classes, as well!" All Might replied, trying to bring a litter feel to the atmosphere before continuing "Well then, I must review the results with Young Midoriya! Change and return... to the classroom!" All Might boomed before swiftly running in the direction of the nurses office at great speeds.

"Whoa, All Might's amazing!"

"Why is he in such a hurry?"

"So cool"

"Wait, were you to going" Ida questioned catching site of the two twins separating from the rest of them.

"Were going to the change room glass-" the rest of Lumine's words were muffled as Aether quickly shoved a hand over her mouth in order to prevent her from insulting Ida. Before measuring their classmate that they were simply heading to the changing rooms a head of time. Soon Aether let out a sharp yell of pain, as he quickly started swinging his sword at the rift hound that had bit at his leg however it quickly disappeared through a rift after being noticed, leaving Aether curled on the floor till the pain subsided, while Lumine kneeled over him with a smile and quite laughs.

-Time skip-

"Lumine- did we really have to leave, I wanted to see Midoriya when he came back to class" Aether whined, dragging himself along behind his sister through the park.

"You and I both know he's going to be okay, we already checked with Recovery Girl earlier remember" Lumine replied, her voice distant, as she gazed at her brother through the corner of her eye.


"Don't worry Midoriya is going to be alright, he just need to rest up if he wants to heal, he's too low on stamina for me to use my quirk on him" Recovery Girl comforted, tapping away at the keys on her computer before meeting eyes with the male, "if your so worried about your friend then you should let him rest, so that he can feel all better when you see him again" Recovery Girl finished standing up from her chair and scuttling over to the twins, practically herding then out of the room like sheep, before handing them both and a handful of gummies and kindly dismissing them from the nurses office.

" I know, it's just the condition his body is left in after every fight he's in... its almost... unnatural" Aether admitted, staring at the small gummies in his hand. The twins continued to walk in the comfort of their own silence, both feeling too awkward to say anything, however soon enough Lumine brought the silence to an end, stopping in a more secluded area of the park.

"Hmm—This place should do. Aether do you still have that stone I gave you?" Lumine asked, turning to face he brother who responded by fishing the small grey stone from somewhere in his pocket. This time the stone glowed slightly brighter than the first time however, it was still quite dim, showing that Aether still didn't have enough power to transport them back yet.

"Ah- so this is where you two have been, I come back early from patrol to find no one to greet me, then I go looking for you and I find you both in some secluded area of a public park."

"Ooo- so you do have wings" Hawks examined watching the sisters reaction from the corner of his eye as he watched the emotion that was being portrayed by the glowing wings that hung behind Aether's back, as his own rested behind him.


Keigo, Aether, and Lumine were all lazing around in the living room of the apartment, Lumine was fixing up Aether's braid while he rotated one of Lumine flowers carefully in his hand, the one he had taken out after braiding Lumines hair into a small back bun. Keigo walked in on the two of them after coming back from the kitchen with a small plate of heated chicken Nuggets in hand, he couldn't help but give a faint smile as he watched the two in front of him.

"Hey, why wasn't I invited in on this, you two are seriously making your caretaker feel left out" Keigo whined, a false dramatic expression painted on his face. Soon Aether ushered him over to the spot in front of him, inviting Keigo to join in on the fun.

"He doesn't have enough hair to braid" Aether thought to himself as he looked at Keigo's hair, Lumine lent down and whispered something in her brother ear that he eagerly agreed to, leaving Keigo slightly suspicious as to what the two of them were plotting.


Word count: 1237


The next day Keigo went to work with Pigtails, for the first half of the day

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