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Before War on Terror in Verdansk


The reestablished Coalition led by General Jone Wido and CIA Station Chief Maxwell were prepping to evacuate the civilians off the Verdansk as Opfor and Al-Quatala invaded Verdansk.

In the tent before the Shadow of Verdansk

AR Team went to speak to Commander Markus who is talking to his friend and his friend Gentiane.

M4: Commander Markus

Markus turns to see AR Team who were right there behind him.

Markus: Oh hey M4, need something?

SOP II: Well M4 kept starring about FTac Recon, we saw her eyes kept starring at him.

M16: Maybe she found her crush on him

M4 blushed in reddish on her face hearing M16 teasing him. She then regain calm. The boy somehow chuckles hearing M16 teasing her.

AR-15: Well it quite sometimes, but during the mission, FTac Recon seems some kind of undetected and he wearing a ghost mask to blend in from the enemy?

Markus: Mmmphh, well FTac Recon somehow good expert of stealth hiding and blending nothing much since the incident long time ago.

AR Team: Incident?

Gentiane: Markus, what do you mean incident?

Markus: Well... I don't know my dad had a previous mission back 2031... I don't know why he kept secret from us?

Angelia: Probably in Japan when the ELID structed in Tokyo.

???: I do.

The group turned to see Aiden standing on the entrance of the tent.

All: Aiden?

Aiden: Well... you want to know about the incident in 2031?

M4: Well yeah... I saw him doing the stealth mission on the monitor, he's like a good excerpt of something and the date was in 2031... that was-

Aiden: 36 years ago.

Angelia II: Aiden, what did FTac Recon kept secret from his team and commander?

Aiden sigh

Aiden: Well it started back in the incident of the island near shore Japan called Shallow of Death.


Treyarch and Sunborn present

Hokkaido - Sea of Japan

In the deep ocean

A Virginia-class submarine USS Iowa

A Virginia-class submarine USS Iowa

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